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Old 01-07-2006, 01:10 AM   #79
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Nov 2008

Arsenal vs Birmingham City - we're 3rd, they're 17th. Another supposedly easy game that we can't choke on. Tottenham play Chelsea, the #4 team, so we should get something good out of this either way.

-- This is a pretty hard fought first half. We're the better team but they're not as bad as they look. 5 passes but only 1 shot for me in the half. 0-0. Finally, 52nd minute Hinry gets an assist to hlib off a corner kick and we go up 1-0! That opened it up, as I get an assist to Hinry in the 58th minute, then Hlib gets an assist to me in the 68th. 3-0 win. 1 goal on 5 shots, 1 assist on 6 passes, 2 tackles and a 10 rating.

-- Big day there. Newcastle(in 2nd) loses, Tottenham and Chelsea tie. We move up into 2nd, 4 points behind the spurs now.

Nov 2
576 shirts with my name on it for $5760.

Portsmouth vs Arsenal - We're 2nd, they're 15th. They have the second worst goal diff in the league(-12). We have the best.

-- I shoot 5 times in the first half, but really only feel good about one of them, and that one was off the post. But they don't seriously threaten adn we go into the half 0-0. 57th minute, after falling back to a 4-5-1(but more importantly, Portsmouth went into an attacking formation), we are able to get a goal as I get out on a breakaway and put one in! I try to pass more after that, and succeed a bit but can't get an assist. 79th minute though, I get my second goal, and we win this one 2-0!

-- 2 goals/8 shots/7 passes, a 10 rating and man of the match for the 3rd time this year.

-- Tottenham ties again and we're only 2 points out of first!

Nov 6
-- Stupid friends. Looking after this dude's cat took 25% of my energy. I'm way short going into our next match.

-- West Brom vs Arsenal - We're 2nd, they're 13th, hopefully the 50 or 60 minutes I can go is enough here.

-- This team is just bad. It takes 11 minutes for me to get free and get an easy, easy goal. I get a 2nd one late in the first half, and a 3rd one in the 56th minute. I didn't move around much in the first half, scoring my 2 goals on 3 shots, nothing else. In the 2nd I was more active, 3 goals/8 shots/2 passes on the day.

-- This is my 2nd hattrick and 4th man of the match award this season!

Nov 10
-- Passing to 20! These are real challenging. 2 balls left when I completed this one. Passing to 21, it seemed the same as level 19? It said 3 targets of each kind, but there were only two...

Nov 15 - GAMEDAY
Arsenal vs Sunderland - They're 7th, a respectable team, but one we should beat if we're to win the league.

-- Easier than I expected. hinry gets a great goal in the 29th, and again its 1-0 at the half, but we break away in the 2nd half. 52nd minute Hinry feeds me and I score. 69th minute I shoot, the ball squirts off to the right, I reach it first, and find Hlib in front of the goal, assist to me. 78th I get my second goal and we roll, 4-0.

-- 2 goals/9 shots/1 assist/6 passes - 10 rating.

-- Tottenham loses and we are in first! We have 37 points. Newcastle and Tottenham are tied at 36.

Media Reviews
-- "Dixon scored a brace", "a marvelous display from Dixon, Dixon had a hand in it, Dixon looked sharp, Dixon's passing was solid.

-- The competition hasn't been terribly difficult, but we are rolling right now. That is 4 10 ratings in a row for me again. 23 goals in 17 matches, 6 assists.

-- I get paid my sponsor money from Nike. $5.3 million.

-- I also train up my flair. I wanted something I coudln't fail at here.

Nov 18
-- My wife is pregnant! Hooray.

Nov 19 - GAMEDAY
Newcastle vs Arsenal - The battle for 1st place! This will see how well we're able to play against the best competition.

-- What a match! 17th minute I open the scoring after a pass from my favorite teammate, Hlib. 1-0! 25th minute they tie it up. 50th minute Ljungburg gives us a 2-1 lead(he's a midfielder, moved up in a 4-3-3 formation). 63rd minute they tie it back up, 2-2. 73rd minute I get the game winning goal, 3-2 Arsenal!

-- 2 goals/7 shots/4 passes - 10 rating

-- I now have an average rating of 10. That is a 10 in my last 5 matches in a row.

-- Tottenham won so they remain just 1 point behind.

Nov 22 - GAMEDAY
West Ham vs Arsenal -- time to pad the stats? Maybe not. These guys are dominating the Championship league(one below us) and will likely be in the Premiership next year.

-- For a little while I really was planning on saying that this was a fairly good team and that they could challenge us if we didn't execute well... but its just not true. I score in the 5th, 10th, 44th and 52nd minutes. Hinry scores in the 30th and 70th. We win 6-0. With 4 goals and 2 assists, I am the man of the match.

Nov 26 - GAMEDAY
Arsenal vs Liverpool

-- We're 1st, they're last.

-- 9th minute, I'm tackled just as I enter the box. PK Hinry, he makes it. The game gives me an assist for this. 26th minute. I'm tackled just as I enter the box. PK Hinry. He makes it. 2 assists. 63rd minute I actualyl pass the ball to Hinry, and he scores. Assist! 79th I get a goal, and we crush Liverpool 4-0.

-- 1 goal on 2 shots, 3 assists on 8 passes. I earn my 6th man of the match award this year!

Nov 29 - Happy 21st Birthday
-- I receive a signed ball of Andriy Schevchenko for my birthday.

Nov 29 - GAMEDAY
Man U vs Arsenal - lets celebrate my 21st with a win, shall we? We're first, Man U is 6 points back, in 3rd.

-- This is tight early. In the 35th minute Van Nilstelroy scores the single best lookign goal I've ever seen in this game. From about 30 yards out, a shot that looks way high and way wide that curves perfectly into the top corner. Too bad he doesn't play for us though. But its ok, 49th minute I feed Hinry and he ties it. 55th minute I feed Hinry and he gives us the lead. 61st minute I make it 3-1 myself. 66th I make it 4-1 myself. 70th I feed Hinry to make it 5-1. 73rd I'm about to get an open shot to make it 6-1 when I'm hit hard from behind. This is a straight red card for my opponent. But, I'm hurt. I'm out. We give up a goal but win 5-2.

-- 2 goals/9 shots/3 assists/7 passes/1 assist. 10 rating and man of the match. That is my 7th 10 rating in a row!!

-- I'm out for 6 weeks with a groin injury. Damn!

END OF Month

Until the injury, that was an incredible month. We are dominating premier league teams. It seems like we just have higher stamina. We seem to play close for a half then roll anyone and everyone. We're first with 46 points after 21 matches, 3 games over tottenham. Our +32 goal differential is nearly 20 better than anyone else. We're just crushing everyone.

The 6 week injury will put a damper on my numbers, but 21 appearances, 32 goals, 13 assists is amazing. I got 5 assists in my last two matches alone. I've been man of the match 7 times. This is just awesome.

I lead the league in goals and assists both now. Hinry is second with 18 goals(I have 32) and Hlib is second with 11 assists(I have 13). Crazy stuff.
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