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Old 01-25-2006, 11:10 AM   #69
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
If you are confident enough in your abilities, you may not have to have an employer sponsor you for a work permit. Recently the lace w:st="on">UKlace> began the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) which is a point based system of immigration for successful people with coveted skills. In order to be considered, you must reach a score of 65 points based on various factors such as age, highest degree earned, work experience, earning power based on geographical location, any achievements you’ve received in your field, your partner’s education, if you are doctor licensed to practice in the UK (adds a 50 pts) and then some “pass/fail” requirements such as are you fluent in English, do you intend to continue working in your chosen field, etc.>>

At the risk of being too bold, I’ve taken the liberty of adding up your points based on the information you’ve provided. You are at a 55, with a few things, if you have them that aren’t apparent, you could be at a 65 or over and eligible for a HSMP work permit.>>

No harm in seeing if it is an option for you, here is the web site:>>>>

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