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Old 02-22-2006, 09:12 AM   #319
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Los Angeles, California
Originally Posted by Alan T
Well, I guess we don't have zero information to go on to try to inprison this wrongdoer to prevent them from doing a similar crime to the rest of us...

unless anyone has a better idea, should we try to narrow down one of the ones not vouched for as a possible target to jail? I am pretty sure that some of the people who have been vouched for (or even those doing the vouching) so far likely could be or are pirates, so I don't want to become too comfortable with clearing those people. However putting pressure on people who were not vouched for, could possible lead to pirates doing false vouchings or find some other way to snare one.

From my list, this is the people that no one could vouch for that they saw elsewhere earlier this morning:


Maybe we should look at these closely and figure out who might be someone we want to contact our local law enforcement about.

AlanT, I went northwest, does that help at all in deciding if I was in fact near where you were?
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