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Old 04-25-2003, 03:06 PM   #1
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Anyone here watch NBA Playoffs?

Just wondering if anyone here is watching the NBA playoffs. The Wolves/Lakers game was complete BS from my point of view. There were like 6 fouls in the last 2 minutes of the 4th+OT that went against the Wolves, and they didn't look like fouls to me... anyone else see them?

One of the announcers sounded so pissed about it too, while John Thompson was egging him on

It got my so frustrated. If I was on the Timberwolves... especially if I was Flip, Garnett, Rasho, or Wally... I would have knocked one of the refs silly. They need to publicly appologizr for handing the game to the Lakers -- a game they Lakers couldn't even win!!!

Rasho is out, Garnett is out... what else do the refs need to do to make the Lakers win? If they won that game yesterday, the NBA would have lost another fan in myself.

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