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Old 04-26-2003, 06:57 AM   #8
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Katy, TX
$2000 and a chance

Back to the tables.

Hand 26: I've got Js, 6h and fold. Player 5 goes all-in and chases the rest. He's now up to $1075.

Hand 27: Big Blind, and I've got a pair of 6's. Player 7 goes all-in ($575) and I figure what the hell, I'll call. He turns up a pair of jacks and I just want to cry. Cards that come up are Qh, 3d, Kh, 3s, 9c. He wins a $1250 pot and moves ahead of Player 5 for last.

Hand 29: I start with Qd, 10h and call. Player 6 is the only one left and he's the big blind. He gives the go ahead and we get Ad, Qh, 6c. He checks and I bet $200. He calls and the next card is a 5s. He bets $450 and I call bringing up an 8c as the last card. He checks, I go all-in, and he folds. I sit at $2275 now which is good for 4th.

Hand 31: I begin with Qs, 10h and call leaving only Player 8 (Big blind). He gives the go ahead and we get 7d, 2c, Jh. We both check which brings us Ac. He bets $250 and I know he's bluffing and call. 7h is last up and he bets $500. I've got nothing and have to fold. He wins $1500 and now has $3425.

Hand 32: I'm looking at Ad, 2h to start and call. Player 6 calls and Player 1 gives the go ahead. 3h, 5s, 4d comes up on the flop, SWEET!!! I bet $200 and Player 6 raises $400. Player 1 drops off. I call which bring up a 4h. I bet $475 which chases Player 6. I'm now up to $2925 which keeps me in 4th. Player 6 is still in the lead with $4125.

Hand 33: Qh, Jd lead me off and I call. Players 6 and 8 also call and Player 2 gives the go ahead. The flop is 8s, 5d, Qd. Player 2 checks. I bet $300 and watch them fold. I move into 2nd, $300 behind Player 6 for 1st.

Hand 34: Big Blind and a Qs, 9s to start off with. Players 6 and 1 call and I give the go ahead. Flop is Jc, Jd, 3s. Player 6 and I check while Player 1 raises $350. I call while Player 6 drops out. Fourth card is a 3h. We both check bringing up the last card which is As. We both check again and split the pot (he had Qd, 10h). The win moves me into 1st, with $3775, ahead of Player 6 who dropped to $3725.

Hand 35: Blinds jump to $200/$400 and I've got the Small with an 8s, 5h. Everyone folds and I hate just giving up hands so I call. Player 5 gives the go ahead and 2d, 2c, Jc are turned up. I check and he goes all in ($375). I've got nothing so I fold.

Hand 37: I've got Ah, Kh to begin with and Raise $400. Everyone jumps ship and I move up to $3975.

Hand 38: Player 5 raises all-in right away and everyone folds. He's got $1575 now.

Hand 39: I go out early with Qd, 3c. Player 8 calls and Player 1 gives the go ahead. Flop comes up 7d, 5c, 7c. Player 8 raises $400 and Player 1 calls. Next card is 10c and Player 8 bets $675. Player 1 goes all-in and Player 8 calls. Player 1 turns his over and has Ah, 10d. Player 8's got Ks, 7s. Ouch, goodbye Player 1. Last card doesn't matter and is a Jd. Player 1 starts bawling at the table and has to be removed by security. Player 8 now moves into 1st with $4475.

Hand 40: Player 7 goes all-in after the deal and everyone splits. He's up to $1350 now.

Hand 41: New dealer and I've got a Qc, 2h with the big blind. Player 7 goes all-in again and I decide to call. He turns up Ac, Js. Cards that come up are Kc, 5s, 7c, 5c, 10c. He gets the Ace high flush over my King high flush and win $2900 and moving him into 3rd. I drop to 5th with $2625.

Hand 43: I've got Ah, Jd to start and call. Player 6 gives the go ahead after everyone else folds. Flop is Qh, 8h, 2s. He checks, I bet $400 and he calls. Next card is 8c. He checks, I bet $600 and he's out. I'm up to $3425 and back into 2nd place.

Hand 45: Ah, 7c stare back at me to begin and I call. Player 8 gives the go ahead after everyone else folds. Flop is Ad, Qd, 4h. I bet $400, he folds. I'm now $50 behind Player 8 for 1st.

Hand 46: Jc, 10c is what I begin with. I start off by calling and Players 6 and 8 do the same. Player 2 gives the go ahead and the flop comes up 9d, 5c, Kc. Player 8 bets $800 and the rest of us call. 5d is up next and Player 2 bets all-in ($2100). I'm done as well as are the other two. Player 2 takes $6900 and moves into 1st. I drop to 4th with $2825.

Hand 47: I'm big blind and start with Qh, 3d. Player 2 calls and I raise him $400 which he calls. Flop comes up As, Kd, 9c and he bets $800. I've got nothing and fold. He wins $2400 more and now has $7700.

Hand 48: Blinds jump to $400/$800 and I've got small blind with 6d, 5d. Great. Everyone folds, so I call and Player 5 gives the go ahead. Flop comes up 10s, Qs, Qh. We both check which brings up Ah. I bluff and go all in and he folds. I'm up to $2625.

After Hand 50, I take another break and try to pump myself up. I've got a feeling this could go on quite awhile.

Standing after Hand 50:

Player 2: $8600
Player 7: $3200
Player 8: $2875
Myself: $2625
Player 6: $625
Player 5: $75
Player 1: out
Player 4: out
Player 3: out

Last edited by BBT : 04-26-2003 at 06:58 AM.
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