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Old 04-19-2006, 02:55 PM   #673
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by Raiders Army
I'm glad that you think so. Thanks for taking the time to say why it's misleading. I don't think it is at all, but I've already said why and you haven't.
My official vote and my intended vote went on you, Raiders Army...not Dubb, my swap to avoid a tie was after the deadline. Hoops' vote also fell to WVU, not you(raiders). Your list you made earlier and this one both fail to reflect that. It fails to take into account that CW, Barkeep, Hoops, and myself all tried to move the vote off of a now confirmed villager yesterday, while you and your friends voted and killed him(tested him)...if you want your thing, look at the group who voted for Dubb or the people spread out(the two groups you seem to trust the most...)

Hell, even CW could be counted as on you as his vote came at 6:00 and therefore technically past the deadline based on how you interpret it. But what do i know, im obviously a suspect for trying to save a villager yesterday taught us quite well thats not your goal, and that we should accuse those that do(you already tore into hoops and myself)
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