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Old 04-19-2006, 07:08 PM   #794
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2004
Originally Posted by st.cronin
That's my take as well. If, as posited, CW and RA are both Things, it would have been wiser to hold that strategy until AFTER RA was torched - let things play out a little bit more.

I disagree. I believe that RA was the vote today if a "seer" didn't come out. If they are able to get people to buy the fact that CW is a seer this could put the vote for either of them off for days and by that time they would have added 1-2 more converts. Keep in mind that there was a late run on RA yesterday.

As for Blade voting for me yesterday. That is as BS as it can be. He changed his vote late in an attempt to break a tie. If I wasn't outside at the time yesterday the game was probably over with RA's death. Noone that switched around 9 to me should be counted as voting for me. That is slanting it and using it out of context, one of the reasons I called BS earlier. They didn't want to vote me, but couldn't get the numbers to go elsewhere so had to change at the deadline. Inside that group(which CW was one of them) is where you will find last night's convert.
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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