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Old 06-20-2006, 09:30 PM   #129
High School Varsity
Join Date: Apr 2005
April 3, 1946--The Worst Place in the World

April 3, 1946-The Worst Place in the World

"Mr. Bogart, I'm so glad you could make it," William Cox was all over his famous guest. He had hoped the actor would respond to the usher sent note (tip that kid!) but here he was at the visiting owner's box with Cox and his entourage.

Bogey flicked a cigarette and winked, "Well, I may want to see a game in Philly someday." The two men shook and sat down, talking about baseball.

"Normally, I'd be over at Gilmore, but I can't pass up a chance to see Joe's first game in LA."

"Real coup for the league to get him."

"Don't know how much better they are with him, but love to watch him play."

"Bah-Lancers don't have nothing on my Phills!"

Humphrey stopped for a moment, as an usher brought hot dogs and beers to the box. "You really think the Phillies are better than the Lancers?" Cox nodded, to which Bogart responded with a dismissive tsk.

Cox felt insulted. He had seen this club all spring and they won most of their games. Didn't that mean the Phillies were pennant contenders? He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out his wallet. Cox quickly thumbed through his cash before throwing a wad onto the arm of Bogart's chair.

"$5,000 that the Phillies beat your Lancers."

Bogart drew back, "Can you do that?"

"I'm betting on my team to win, it's ok."

The guest drew in on his cigarette, something didn't feel quite right. But it was a chance to make a quick 5 G's, so why not. "I don't have that much on me; I assume you'll want cash for that."

"Your word is good enough for me," Cox replied. Hell, win, lose or draw-he was talking with Humphrey Bogart!
I'm in love. What's that song? I'm in love with that song
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