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Old 07-03-2006, 08:48 AM   #32
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
I've posted the full rules, here is the Cliff Note’s version (aka the Schmidty version ) of how to play Werewolf: Spawn. I will be posting a list of major differences between the first game and this game later today or tomorrow.

Good guys=survivors; Bad guys=Spawn

Voting works normally, except that at least 1/3 of the remaining players must vote for somebody for their to be an execution. Otherwise no one is executed.

Goal for the survivors is to kill all the Spawn and lift off the planet. Goal for the Spawn are to kill or convert all the good guys.

In order to lift off the planet, the survivors will need a certain amount of something called Cyrstilium. They can get Cyrstilium, by going on away team missions. The First Officer decides who goes on an away mission. If he asks you to go, you have to go. Away team missions can also get water and explore the planet.

Everyone has a public and private role. Not all players know their own private roles. There are survivor private roles and Spawn private roles. Different public roles can do different things on the ship. Officers can order people around. Doctor can scan examine people for spawn. Engineers can repair things. Scientists are good on away missions. Security personnel can guard stuff. Privates hope to be promoted to something more useful. Medics cure people. Slaves perform menial labor. The slavemaster has control over the slaves. The galley master has control over water.

Every day people need water. If they don’t get water they become dehydrated and then after a second day, die.

At night people need to sleep. If they don’t sleep they become exhausted. Exhaustion means that if you are attacked you are more likely to die.

Spawn can attack rooms and/or people at night. It’s possible for there to be one than one attack each night. Spawn can also try and convert people into spawn at night.

Rooms do different things. Engines, help the ship leave the planet. Security Headquarters houses the weapons locker, brig (where people can be kept safe at night), and the security system (which protects the Slave Pens and Sleeping Quarters from attack, though not people in them). The Sleeping Quarters are where people sleep. The Slave Pens are where the slaves are housed; if this is damaged the slaves might riot. The Cargo Hold is where cyrsitlium and water is kept. The water plant is where the water replicator is stored (which can make water).

The rules, obviously, go into more details on exactly how all these things work.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 07-03-2006 at 08:50 AM.
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