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Old 07-21-2006, 07:52 AM   #26
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Hmmm... well, I'm still learning, but I'm not sure what to report.

We have made it out for four different alks in the last two weeks or so, and I have not managed to gather a list of bords worth reporting even once. Last night, we went out for the same circuit that has generated most of these write-ups, and managed to see only the most mundane birds from the usual lists -- the blackbirds, cardinals, robins, and the like. No pewee (haven't seen one in weeks) no phoebe (same) and not even any of the swallows or swifts we're used to seeing overhead. Very disappointing.

Most of thes birds that we were seeing in June were summer residents in this area, but it may be that we've cleared the nesting/breeding activity season, and that the birds who are still around are just less visible than before. I'm not sure. The torrential rain (for several days) followed by punishing heat (for many more afterwards) might be a factor as well.

Regardless... my lack of substantive updates is not a reflection of lost interest on my part, but rather just a lack of anything worthwhile to say. Last night the most exciting bird of the day was a mockingbird. Nice bird and all, but I'm not exactly alerting the media.
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