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Old 07-28-2006, 08:51 AM   #13
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Michigan Week

-- The Diary of Fritz Brady --

- September 5, 2006 --
I have been officially cleared to start against Michigan.

I started practice today after I was cleared, and after practice I did some situational drills. Specifically, I was working on my arm strength. I'm gonna work on this off and on all week, but I can already see an effect -- I think I can throw it a good 5 to 10 yard further than I could before I started here. Now, I don't think I'm gonna be doing alot of long passes against the Wolverines, but you never know.

My mom told me that they would be at the game, but I knew they weren't going to anyway. Dad hasn't missed a Michigan game in 20 years, he's not gonna miss one now just because I'm playing against them. And I know him, he'll be wearing ...

... I know I shouldn't be upset over this. I know how my dad is. There's times when I think he cares more about Michigan than he does about me or the rest of the family. He's predictable, so I shouldn't be surprised by what he does. I just wish that one time he puts me over other things. I know he's proud of me, but I also know he'll be wearing Michigan Blue come Saturday. I'm gonna be the enemy to him when we play them. It's gonna be tough playing your idols on their home field when you know my dad is gonna be cheering every time a Wolverine hits me. It's just rough.

But I gotta get all that stuff out of my mind. This is just another game. It's a chance for all of us to wipe away Boston College from our minds and move on to the next thing. We can beat the number 12 team in the nation on Satuday. We just have to be perfect on EVERYTHING.

-September 6, 2006-
Still working on my arm strength, and I know I'm getting stronger.

-September 7, 2006-
We were told today that Mike Hart, the running back for Michigan, will not be playing in the game. He has a strained something or the other, and they're holding him back so he can play the following week against Notre Dame. They're already underestimating us.

I did some studying today, which I haven't been doing all week. I just been so focused on the game, and what we need to do offensively to match up. I'm doing well in school, still got that 3.0, but something tells me it's not always gonna be this easy.

-September 8, 2006-
Tomorrow is Michigan day. We bussed up to Ann Arbor the night before (even though we really didn't have to) and are staying the night here before the game. The coaches want us all focused. I wonder what being ON the field at the Big House is gonna be like. 100,000 people in the crowd, 99,000 of which want to see me carted away on a stretcher. I know -- I used to be one of them. It's funny being on the other side of things, it gives me a new perspective on it. Doesn't matter. I have to STAY FOCUSED. This isn't Michigan, it's just another team, it's just people out there, just like me and they're no better than me.

Last edited by WVUFAN : 07-28-2006 at 08:51 AM.
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