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Old 08-10-2006, 05:27 PM   #220
College Prospect
Join Date: Dec 2003
follow up for me.

As I posted earlier - this list inspired me to purchase 2 of these games that i had never played (there were others that I never played, but was not inspired to purchase) EU2 and Tropico. I got each for around 20 bucks.

Now I haven't had a lot of time to play, but my very initial impressions are thus:

EU2 - I like the look and feel of the game, but I only made it though the tutorial and have not made it back. something about the game is failing to make an impression on me. Perhaps it is my vast knowledge of American History and equally un-vast knowledge of European history - whatever it is, this one is failing to hold my interest and with Madden less then 2 weeks away is seems unlikely I will play this much.

Tropico on the other hand has been a hoot. I can't believe I missed this game when it first came out. I am deeply immersed in this game (although I suck rather bad at it right now) and I can see myself playing this for quite a while.
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