Thread: Werewolf Forum?
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Old 09-27-2006, 01:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
My PM to skydog, followed by his response, which i am now replying to.

Originally Posted by Blade6119
I dont agree with the decision to move WW to a seperate forum, due to the fact it has only 2 threads active at a time. Im willing to accept it though if you felt it more obtrusive then other items like the hot or not polls or political threads. I would like an explanation why the new forum is non-post count enabled though, as i cannot think of a good reason. As always, im trying to be respectful to you and voicing my complaint in private. I would appreciate similar respect in return, instead of jokes like the one you posted in reply to me in the thread.

Well, you complained in public...

I moved them because the #1 complaint I've received is about the Werewolf threads, and now that we've upgraded to vbulletin 3.6.0, it is (obviously) *very* easy to mass-move threads after doing a search. I'd never done it before now because it would have been a pain to move all of the threads. I would have had to do it one-by-one in the past. The post counts were taken down because they were skewing post counts tremendously.
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