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Old 10-25-2006, 02:25 PM   #246
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
OK, I got back early and have a little time before I am leaving for the show. First off, I find the notion that I would vote early on the pretense of the possibility for me being gone all day as "gamesmenship" kind of offensive. That being said I had to cast a vote in case I wasn't going to be home. For those who don't believe me saldana can vouch for the fact that I called him an my way home.

I knew my early vote would cause some discussion ( and it sure did!!) but I would rather vore early then not vote at all for 2 reasons:

1. At the end of the day it looks WAY more guilty to note vote at all then to vote first.

2. I don't think it is fair for whoever is running the game.

COnsidering the reactions and subsequint discussion I am


that vote was basicly a day one throw away vote.

St. Cronins action raise flags to me. Post #112 I vote hoops. Post #125 St.Cronin jumps on that vote as well. Then in post #160 St.Cronin says he's open to voting for me if that's the way it goes. I may be totally wrong but it seems like he is looking for a place to "hide" his vote. That being said

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