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Old 11-03-2006, 12:43 AM   #97
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Background Alright its high time for me to join in here. With my recent life and job related stresses and probably some depression I have gotten myself into a really rough spot physically. After months of zero exercise and ordering in and fast food, and about 6 weeks now where i'm probably spending 90 hours a week in front of the computer between work and play, its time to turn this thing around.

I have always been a yo yo dieter, in the past 10 years I've lost 30-50 pounds on 6 different occasions and always gained it back. This is the first time I've let it go so long and get so bad before taking another shot.

I'm 6'4" and somewhere between 330-350, putting my BMI in the low 40s. I have never weighed above 330 before in my life, but I am definitely over that right now.

The Plan: I'm a bit concerned b/c I have never weighed this much before and its having some nasty physical effects on me that I've never experienced before, so the first thing I'm doing is making a doctors appointment to see if I need to get on any meds to regulate some things like blood pressure until I drop some weight. Even at 330 in the past I've never been more than "borderline hypertensive" but I have a bad feeling that is changing as I get a bit older.

As far as the diet goes, low carb is the way for me, unless something at the doctor's visit forces me in another direction. The foreman grill is out for ease and speed of preparing meat, and i'll be making a grocery store run tomorrow or Saturday to get things going.

Exercise: I just need to get some exercise, any exercise. Pushing myself to take a walk in the evening is where I'm starting, and I probably won't be thinking about much else but walking until I'm at 300.

The Goal: My long term goal is to get down to 220 or so and see how I feel. Even at 220 my BMI would still put me in the "overweight" range but I have seirous doubts about what I'd be like at less than that. But right now I'm concerned about the short term. I want to break that ugly 300 number. 299 is my goal. Once I reach that I'll push towards the next number.

I'll post more specifics like exact weight and diet as I get to the grocery store and see the doc, but I wanted to get this posted now to give myself another piece of motivation to get on the right track.
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