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Old 11-06-2006, 04:32 PM   #288
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
I can't help it that the only characters from J.R.R TOlkien's writings that came close to a Dissociative identity disorder were those who were affected by the ring and its alluring power and call. And those people were so drawn to it that they would often do unethical or selfish things in order to either obtain the ring or maintain holding on to it. (See Gollum with Deagol, Boromir with Frodo, Isildur, etc)

I have no problems with you roleplaying a role, but you have to be ready to take the heat that doing so will come with it. In your case the association to those type of people from the stories and how they behaved.

You know me well enough by now to know if I wanted to lynch you, I would be trying to give everyone every reason possible to do so right or wrong.

Not if your would let me get myself lynched...its too early in the game for wolves to be in the spotlight

You know me as well, im happy to take the heat. I role-played in part for the heat. At the same time, you have to expect me to defend myself. I didnt get mad when you accused me, when grammat did, etc. I got mad when schmidty and LSG started putting down my play style. Actually, they put me down becuase of my play style. You know me well enough to not expect me to defend myself. But i didnt vote them, just like you didnt vote me. I voted my top suspect, and went about playing the game
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It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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