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Old 11-19-2006, 09:27 PM   #542
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan

WINNER: Abyss via DQ at 15:10 to capture the NWA Title. This was the stupidest ending to a wrestling match I've since WCW PPVs in the late '90s. Abyss should have been DQ'ed at least five times. Sting should have been DQ'ed three times before he was finally DQ'ed. TNA never ever never ever mentions the "DQ can lead to a title change" situation and all of a sudden, then pull this out of the hat after three years of PPV title matches where the participants should have been DQ'ed. Jeff Jarrett should have lose the title a dozen times when he was champion if TNA reinforced this rule. Just lazy booking.
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