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Old 05-20-2003, 03:13 PM   #28
Strategy Moderator
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: North Carolina
Originally posted by QuikSand
It's hard to maintain my own enthusiasm when it doesn't seem to be shared.

i'm still quite intersted in this, but I'm handicapped by the fact I have almost zero time to actually look at the game files. I can't do this at work, and have about 3 hours nightly after my commute to handle everything else in my life. I think someone just needs to charge ahead when things slow down. Clearly there is less input on how to maintain a 15-1 team then there is on how to improve a 5-11 one, so I'd guess thats a reason for a lack of input.

If this dynasty is worth anything, it's at least good for displaying how ridiculously beatable FOF4 is.
Originally Posted by albionmoonlight View Post
This is like watching a car wreck. But one where, every so often, someone walks over and punches the driver in the face as he struggles to free himself from the wreckage.
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