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Old 12-19-2006, 10:22 AM   #604
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
So I've just recently got into watching wrestling again after a several year long hiatus. My return to watching the WWE lasted about 2 weeks before I couldn't handle it anymore, then I watced some TNA which had some great moments, but still wasn't quite there.

Then someone introduced me to ROH, and now I'm a happy happy man.

First match I got to see was Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation, a 6 man tag match. Now these guys are all from another fed, Dragons Gate in Japan, but this was the first time in years and years I've ever been on the edge of my seat watching a match. It was fantastic, and I had no clue who anyone was and so no personal interest. Fantastic stuff.

Trying to grab all the ROH stuff I can now, just great technical wrestling and angles that aren't completely absurd.

Getting ready to watch Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk II which is supposed to be phenomenal as well.
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