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Old 01-12-2007, 03:24 PM   #214
Join Date: Sep 2003
Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
It looks just like I figured. They don't want to face me directly, so I fully expect them to come out firing again once I leave for the night.

Instead of making claims that I am evil for using mathematic odds, which I have done many many many times before in situations like this to try to increase my odds of getting a bad guy when I don't know sqwat.. why don't you come up with a real case against me. Why not answer why you two are voting together every day, why you both tossed out suspicion at Jonathan during the day lightheartedly, why you both are trying to discredit Blade whom made a reveal that is very easily disputed if it was a lie.

What you two are doing right now is trying to discredit the person who so far should have the most trust (Blade) with your little subtle comments (or in some cases not so subtle), and then came firing at me since I voted for one of you two. Hell I dont know if one or both of you are wolves, but you two sure are affiliating with each other nice and easily.

You both know that I am an early game seer target in many games, and both expect either by today or tommorrow I likely will have been scanned, so taking me out now while you still have a chance is an easy way to save a necessary night kill later.

I'm keeping my vote where it is, and now not only does the math make sense, your actions make sense for me to keep it here also.

I'm heading home and might not check in until home from the movies well past deadline (depending on when I leave home for the movies).

I can't see the wolves playing this way. You're not the only person that noticed this and I think Barkeep is too smart to let things happen like this.

I don't really know what I'm going to do today. We'll see what happens in the next 4.5 hours.
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