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Old 01-18-2007, 03:50 PM   #644
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
(Professor X)

I see Moon Knight. I see. There is a certain amount of thought in your arguments, they are certainly not hasty.

I presume you agree that we should steer clear of the fracas between Iron Man and Magneto?

That being said, both Cannonball and Wolverine are decent choices, and with nothing better to go on at this point, either would be acceptable to me, as I have no additional information to guide my actions.

I would like to propose to my fellow heroes, both mutant and human, the following accord: An attack against any teams member is not to be immediately retaliated against without first hearing the evidence for why the attack was made, and similarily attacks ought not be made without declaring the evidence for one's attack first. This is doubly true for attacks made my entire teams.

I dont care which...i gave you my choice of 2, you choose which.

I think it wise to avoid this current battle, as despite our best wishes politics will come into play later in the game from this day. If we jumped in now it would only worsen things in what will likely be a villager vs. villager showdown on day one.
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