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Old 01-24-2007, 08:03 AM   #2954
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
A large amount of discussion ensued about what to do about X. I commented to Captain when Marvel died that I wouldn't doubt the Moon Knight had a "night" kill, as the name seemed fitting.

Indeed, Moon Knight comes out with information that also cleared Mandarin.

Welcome to our 8 man circle, heroes.

Later, X would tell us that Gambit is cleared. We're at 9.

Now Captain and I were wrong about Jugger, no doubt about that, and I know I feel horrible about it. But we felt he was grasping at straws, and certainly made the play like he was just a desperate horseman in the end.

Last night, I indicated I had already put in a PM to interrogate someone. I hadn't. In fact, I told Moon Knight it wasn't him. I actually did send in the request to interrogate Moon Knight with about 10 minutes to go.

Again, I didn't want Apoc and his gang to know which way I was going. I'm positive through the conversation I had with Moon Knight that he's good as well. He was just too....amped...when we spoke. There was no caution to the wind that he might reveal something by accident. His information was free flowing and given to me quickly.

So my circle:

Moon Knight

I'm ready to win this.

Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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