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Old 01-27-2007, 05:35 PM   #12
College Prospect
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Barnegat, NJ
1095 AD:
Prince Bela has matured and I now have two potential heirs to the throne. Prince Bela looks like he will be a stone cold killer in battle.

I have received word from Princess Iolande that the Holy Roman Emperor has rejected our offer of alliance. After 8 years of pursing an alliance with the HRE I have decided to give up any further attempts at alliance with them.

Scanning the surrounding provinces there does not appear to be any increase in troop levels. I keep the empire at status quo.

1096 AD:
Another 1,000 florins have arrived from the Pope. On the diplomacy side of things I have received offers for alliance from the Norwegians, Aragonese and the big bad Byzantines. The first two I accept upon general principal of them being Catholic. After much thought I decide to accept the offer for alliance from the Byzantines, making them the first Orthodox Christian nation I have allied myself with. The Byzantines are currently allied with the Serbians, and my hope is that by allying myself with the Byzantines perhaps the Serbians will think twice about attacking Hungary. The last thing the Serbians want is to have two larger empires angry and ready to go to war with them.

Out on my eastern front I send scouts to ascertain what kind of landscape we might face in a potential battle in Levidia. Word is that the terrain is very flat, which I feel give an army full of cavalry the advantage. I send my emissary to spy on the Cuman army - I need to find out if I can expect them to send any reinforcements from the surrounding provinces.

1097 AD:
The Almoravids, a Muslim faction, have sent an offer of alliance which I decline. Just one year after we have aligned with the Byzantines they have gone to war with the Papacy. I choose to stick by my original alliance with the Pope, but without a navy I cannot send any troops to aid Rome.

Prince Bela has joined his brother in Moldavia, and together they will lead an attack on Levidia at the end of next year.

1098 AD:
The Pope has called for a crusade against the English, but we are not prerpaed to crusade at this time.

On the diplomatic front I have received offers for alliance from the Volga Bulgarians, the Seljuks and the Danes. I accept the Danes offer and reject the other two. At this time we are allied with almost every other Catholic faction.

With a force of around 700 men Prince Laszlo launches an attack against Levidia.

1099 AD:
One again the Cumans have decided they are no match for the might of our military and have retreated.

Levidia already has a strong infrastructure and will be a great anchor to our eastern front. At this time I don't think I have much to gain, aside from enemies, by pressing my attack into the surrounding provinces.

Well, well, well...look who has come to my doorstep. The Holy Roman Empire has proposed marriage between their princess and Prince Bela. We courted the HRE long and hard and they shut the door in our face. Now that they have been excommunicated by the Papacy they want to get in our good graces. We decline their offer and fart in their general direction.

Looking to our southern border I once again become nervous looking at Serbia. I feel it is only a matter of time before they try to expand their borders.

1100 AD:
Very quiet year for the Hungarian faction. I continue building the infrastructure throughout my provinces and increasing troop levels for defense.

1101 AD:
Princess Iolande is now 29 years old, and will soon be of an age where she will no longer be acceptable to marry. I offer her hand in marriage to our neighbor, the Venetians. And while I am at it I also look to rid myself of my other princess by marrying her off to the Bohemians.

Our economy seems to be slowing down, that or the lack of Papal gifts lately are starting to become more apparent. For now I shift the focus of my provinces away from military matters and ask them to focus on farming and mining.

1102 AD:
Another quiet year focused on improving our economy. I have stopped troop buildup in all but Hungary, which I am all too keen to have as protected as possible.

1103 AD:
The Irish have sent an offer of alliance. They are currently have a ragtag bunch of Muslim and Orthodox Christian nations that they are allies with. I decline their offer at this point in time.

The governor of Wallachia has gained the vice of "Unhinged Loon". Apparently he is convinced that he has been impregnated by an elephant, and people view him with much pity. I decide that perhaps he wasn't cut out for government work and replace him.

Both of my proposals for marriage have been declined. Rather irritated, I now send Princess Iolande to marry into the rich families of the Genoese.

My king has turned 55 years of age, and I need to be mindful of who his successor will be. Prince Laszlo is currently the next in line for the throne.

I am very pleased with the current state of affairs in my empire.

1105 AD:
In a surprise attack the Cumans attempt to retake Levidia!

This is a very unwise move on their behalf as this will be a bridge battle. Not only do they need enough troops to gain control of the bridge, but they also need enough to keep it once they get to the other side. I welcome the slaughter that is about to occur.

There are two bridges in the area. I decide to plug the first up with my Armoured Spearmen, who should be rather successful in dealing with most anything the enemy can send across the bridge. They should also take fewer casualties from enemy archers. I line all of my horse archers up across the bank of the river so they can pepper the enemy as they attempt to cross. I also deploy a second unit of spearmen and a unit of cavalry to guard the second bridge.

The Battle Begins

Exactly as I planned my spearmen hold strong to their position as the enemy sends units to break my position and cross the bridge, all the while taking heavy losses from my archers. I take losses on my side of the river from their archers, but nothing to the extent of the carnage on the bridge.

About halfway through the battle I notice that the Cumans have neglected the second bridge and left their archers open for attack. I send Prince Bela across the second bridge to attack their flank. Before he can reach their position the enemy realized their mistake, and in a panic most of their archers pull completely out of battle. The few units that remain are lanced and flattened by my charging Prince.

The only troops remaining in the fight are left on the bridge, and their rear flank is completely exposed to attack. I halt all arrow fire on the bridge and send Prince Bela to attack.

Surrounded on both sides the slaughter is quick. The enemy general falls dead on the bridge and we are victorious, but not before I unexpectedly lose a number of my knights.

The Final Carnage

1106 AD:
Prince Kalman matures, and I can now be certain that my royal line is very safe. Like his two brothers before him he should be a fine warrior.

Last edited by Ironhead : 01-27-2007 at 05:38 PM.
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