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Old 01-29-2007, 09:38 PM   #4214
College Starter
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Houston, TX
Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
That point is the one thing that I would do differently if I had a "do over" with the game setup. I randomly generated Apocalypse, who picked his four horsemen. After that I randomly generated the Twelve and that list was not at all advantageous for the good guys. It had all the people with bodyguard/witness/seer type roles - the people who were not on the list had some powerful characters, but they were not information roles. By having the info roles all as part of the 12 it kept the bad guys from having to make decisions about taking out a potential seer rather than advancing on their mission to remove the 12.

I'm pretty much a slave to to remove any of my preconceived notions from shaping a game outcome, but I wish I had tinkered with that list and removed two of the people from the following list: Prof X, Sinister, Captain America, Warpath, Spiderman.

In retrospect, I agree with him on this point, but during pregame I was very much of the mind that we shouldn't tamper with the game too much. I didn't want it to seem too scripted, like we were screwing with stuff just to make the game do what we wanted. So I don't think there was any way around it at the time.
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