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Old 01-30-2007, 05:00 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Credit to Yekrats of BGG for coming up with the following guidelines (which I have edited slightly):

About this game:
1. Survivor is unfair, and Werewolf is unfair. Put the two together, and you have a real potential for an unfair game. I'm not looking to blatantly screw anyone, but it might happen. I offer you my apologies in advance, but little else .
2. You and your tribe will be asked to participate in a series of challenges. If you win these, you'll have a better chance of being the Ultimate Survivor.
2a. You have a life outside of WW. (You do, don't you?) If you are unable to participate due to some personal conflict, please let me know as soon as possible.
2b. Worst case scenario, of course, is you don't get to participate in a challenge, and another tribe or player will win. That may be a setback, but it shouldn't be a game breaker.
3. About "time sensitive challenges". I've tried to make the challenges so that they are not reliant on a particular player having to be online at a particular time. I do expect you to check in occasionally and see what's going on.
4. Is it fair if all of the players participate in tribal challenges, even if some of the tribes have fewer players than others? On the show, if one tribe has fewer players, they make some players sit out. I think it might be more fun if all players play. So, during many challenges I will allow all players to play. This may be a little unfair to a team that has lost a member or two, but this is an unfair game; see rule #1, above. However, I might change this rule, which is unfair to the team with more players; see rule #1.
6. PMs between players is forbidden, unless allowed by a specific role.
7. Survivor is a game in which the rules can change suddenly and dramatically. Any element or rule of the game can change, including victory conditions. The onus is on the player to adapt to those rules changes, whatever they may be.

Tribal rules:
1. There will be one main thread. Participants may post there like a regular game of Werewolf.
2. You will be assigned to a tribe, which will get its own thread. You are not allowed to browse or post in the other tribes' forums, even after the tribes are disbanded. After the game is over and a final Survivor is crowned, you may browse all forums.
3. Your tribe will be assigned a "buff" of a particular color. This will be your tribe color, and you are expected to "wear your buff" in the main thread, that is, post with your tribe color. To post in that color use [color=blue] (or red, or orange, or whatever color your tribe might have) at the start of your posts and [/color] at the end of your posts.
4. Some events may require that you use only the main thread, and not your tribal thread. I will post a message in your thread when this happens and, using my spiffy mod powers, will lock your thread.

Game Etiquette
Please do not post any PMs you might receive from me. Feel free to paraphrase but outright posting is not allowed. What happens in the game should be based on what has happened in the game. Unless allowed by your role, please do not communicate with other players outside of the appropriate threads. If you are concerned that a strategy might not be allowed by the rules please contact me before attempting the strategy, however this is Survivor. Gaming of the rules and other players is to be expected. Finally, players are not necessarily gone from the game whey they are killed/voted out and so they should refrain from posting or contacting others; if you need to commiserate send it my way .

Assorted Info
1. You may use external sources, people, programs, and other information sources to assist you, as long as they do not provide you with insider information that the other players aren't privy to. For example, if I were to have a trivia challenge, you could consult either Wikipedia or your smarty-pants friend who was on Jeopardy! for the answers. However, bribing a behind-the-scenes helper for information would be breaking the rules.
2. You may not post a request for help in any thread outside of the the main thread or your tribal thread. If you know people personally, you may ask for help from friends directly, but not indirectly through posts on other forums or any other forum or chat.
3. On Sunday, February 4th I will send out roles to players. Rules for roles will be sent out in individual emails and/or listed on the main thread.
4. Roles may also be awarded in challenges. Roles can have positive or negative effects.
5. Some objects may be acquired during the game, which will grant roles to the person carrying it. Objects may be given to another player. (Just make sure I know about the transfer.) Unless otherwise noted, if someone has an object and is killed, a random person will get the object (in the same tribe, if possible).
6. You are expected to follow the "honor system" and not cheat. You may only, for instance only read the main thread and your tribal thread. No peeking at a thread you are not allowed into, no "insider information" on challenges, and that sort of thing. This is just a game and should be fun, therefore, please don't lower yourself to cheating!
7. If you break one of these rules, I have the right to determine a penalty. It may be nothing; it may be devastating!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 02-01-2007 at 09:39 PM.
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