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Old 02-16-2007, 09:52 AM   #2186
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2001
C'mon in Survivors. You'll see that cronin was voted out at last night's tribal council. Oh and that Pass, who was about to go on vacation, has taken a very different vacation. Seems that the wolves found him particularly tasty. Poor guy.

In both Werewolf and Survivor it can make sense to lie. Being able to tell the truths from the lies is an important skill which is why we're playing two truths and a lie today. In a moment I'll post three statements from each player. Your job, as a tribe, is to figure out which statement is a lie from each player on the opposing tribe. The winning team will not only be safe from tribal council, but will also receive their very own two truths and a lie about the wolves in this game. The losing tribe will be sent back to tribal council where they will vote off yet another of their players.

Let's take a look at Helsing's statements first

I was in the marching band in college
I was president of my fraternity in college
I was a QB on my high school football team

When I was 15, I worked for a ranch helping train horses
When in Highschool I received a scholarship to the University of Miami for music performance that I turned down.
Played football in highschool with Eric Zeier

I was a DJ while in college
I used to play drums in a rock band
I have 7 tattoos

1. I am twice divorced.
2. I was a pole vaulter in college.
3. I am a Business major.

1. I have been shot, with a gun, in the stomach.
2. I have attended a ballgame in 14 different MLB parks.
3. I have been to the top of one of the World Trade Center towers.

For Howard we have
I have dated a Miss America contestant.
I have slept with a stripper
I have had an exclusive relationship with a girl who later went on to star in a Hollywood studio movie.

I am a Junior Olympics Champion
I was a High School Football Player
I have one dog

1) I have written a novel
2) I am fluent in German
3) I shaved my head in mourning after the Steelers lost the AFC Championship in 1995

Pass (even from the dead):
I watch the Golden Girls in the morning while getting ready for work.
I get grossed out at the sight of strawberries.
There is a gay porn star with the same name as me

Since Howard only submitted four statements, while Helsing had a full five, each one of Howard's will be worth 1.25 points, while Helsings will be worth 1 point each.

Tribal answers are due by 10 PM.
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