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Old 03-03-2007, 08:10 PM   #54
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
An Unlikely Inheritance

20 April, 1502 – I send a royal marriage offer to Austria and they accept.

13 May, 1502 – We enter into a royal marriage with Aragon.

I get a missive from the Ottomans. They request military access. I’m inclined to grant it. We’ve yet to go to war, it’d give them another reason not to kill us, and they’d have to cancel military access before attacking, so we’d have a warning. My guess is that they want to use Tripolitania as a staging ground.

15 May, 1502 – Crimea entered into an alliance with Dulkadir.

7 June, 1502 – I accept a royal marriage offer from Bavaria.

28 August, 1502 – I don’t know when it started, but while I was sailing my fleet past Crete while observing the unfolding Ottoman-Mamluk war, I saw that rebels were besieging Crete!

10 September, 1502 – I decline an alliance offer from Austria.

9 October, 1502 – We have inherited the throne of Modena upon the death of the last Scion of the line in battle! I have instantly and dynastically added four provinces to our nation!

4 November, 1502 – Venice is being besieged by 4000 rebels.

29 November, 1502 – Venezia falls to rebels.

Venetian rebels are all over the place. I decide to load up my armies and send them to my new provinces to protect them from over-zealous revolutionaries.

3 December, 1502 – I decline an offer of alliance from Sweden.

20 December, 1502 – Venice finally declares peace with their last enemy – Savoy. Now they have much to repair.

5 January, 1503 – Venice is offering us an alliance.


There was a time when I would have died for an alliance offer from Venice. As one of the Mediteranean powers (After Aragon, Mamluks then comes Venice), I would have died for an alliance.

Now I’m a power with nine provinces and a vassal. Not a major power, I’ll grant you, but a solid enough one. I’d rather tie myself to a smaller nation like Croatia or Ragusa and then offer them vassalization than ally myself with a weaker medium level power. I’d still jump at the opportunity to ally myself with Aragon. But Venice?

Not any more. I reject their proposal.

I release Bern as the new Switzerland, and our vassal. I have no desire to keep it. It also lowers our badboy image in the eyes of other countries when we voluntarily surrender land.

10 January, 1503 – The Papal States and their allies (Siena and Wurtemberg) declare war against Venice. They are pounding Venice in Europe, geez!

3 March, 1503 – I get an alliance offer from Genoa. This time, I consider it more. Could I get Genoa to the point where her three provinces would join us as vassals? All three suit my long term Mediterranean goals (Liguria is a COT and Italian/French province, Corsica is an island, and that province in the Black Sea is nice too.)

However, I realize that someday I may want to attack Genoa to grab her lands, so I need to be non-allied.

March 10, 1503 - I get an event:

Revolt in Tripolotania. Differences in culture and religion have created an environment of rebellion in Tripolitania. How do I handle it?

1 – Ignore Them. Two rebel regiments rise up against us in Tripolitania.

2 – Lower Taxes. 730 days the taxes in Tripolitania are reduced by 10%. Our prestige ranking lowered by 1.

I choose option number two – the peaceful one.

30 April, 1503 – Crete falls to rebels.

30 May, 1503 – Our 50 years anniversary arrives. Time for a look back.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 03-04-2007 at 08:14 PM.
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