Thread: F*^$ Cancer
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Old 03-27-2007, 08:56 PM   #27
Head Cheerleader
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Caught somewhere between Raising Hell and Amazing Grace...
Include me in the Fuck Cancer crowd...

We found out about 2 weeks ago that my dad has bone cancer, Multiple Myeloma. He doesn't need chemo, though they have decided to do some radiation treatments on a spot on his spine. It's mostly in his ribs, basically causing lots and lots of little fractures that are causing him to be in a lot of pain, which is what I'm having the hardest time dealing with.

He's on medication - thalidomid - yes, the same thalidomid used in the 60's and that was "banned" by the FDA, it's now used to fight cancer - go figure. He's also on steroids for 4 days then off for 10. It's been really stressful on all of us, but everything we've heard from doctors tells us that he'll beat this, although it will never go into remission, it will be more of an "inconvenience", but I'm still terrified that they are wrong.

Anyway, fuck cancer!
Originally Posted by mccollins View Post
haha - duck and cover! Here comes the OlieRage!
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