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Old 04-03-2007, 12:03 PM   #301
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut

August 1, 2006

As the camera comes on to start the show we head right to the ring where Erik Flamebeard is already in the ring along with his Followers, Darkiller, Atatange and Tucker. The crowd is booing them.

Flamebeard: "Let me get right to it. July Mayhem was a partial success for my Followers. While Darkiller lost the Hardcore Title to Smokin' Warlord, Tucker beat the pulp out of Marmel. But tonight is a new era for us. I'll explain that in a minute. First I'd like to welcome back from injury, Digamma."

The crowd boos as Digamma comes to the ring and shakes hands with everyone.

Digamma: "It's good to be back. I have a message for Smokin' Warlord. I haven't forgotten that you put me on the shelf for the last month and a half."

Flamebeard cuts him off. "Digamma, that will be handled in due time. Now I'd like to welcome the newest member of Flamebeard's Followers, Sachmo."

The crowd is really showing major heat as Sachmo comes out and shakes hands with the Followers.

"Sachmo, I'd like to officially welcome you as a member of Flamebeard's Followers."

Sachmo: "Thank you. Marmel, I want you to know that it was nothing personal on Saturday. It was business."

Flamebeard: "Now onto more important matters. We have been tolerant of others too long. Tonight marks a change. From this day forward you are either with us or against us. So, Illinifan, while you are a great Television Champion, you either join us or you will lose that title to one of us. Technically Superior, you have also helped us on more than one occassion. But again, either join us or suffer the consequences. That goes for anyone else in the back. Join us or pay the price. We will have all the titles around our waist eventually."

The music of Marmel plays and the crowd erupts as he comes running down the aisle and heads straight for Tucker and Sachmo. He gets a couple of shots in before the rest of the Followers step in and Marmel is soon laying out cold on the canvas.

Flamebeard: "Marmel, you are dumber than we thought. This is a message to anyone in the back who doesn't want to join us. This is in your future."

With that Flamebeard's Followers leave the ring.

Rating: 59%

We go to our announce team of Diamond Dallas Page and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Page: Welcome everyone to Tuesday Tough Love and what a start to the show.

Heenan: Looks like Flamebeard intends to take over.

Page: I don't think Marmel plans on joining.

Heenan: Look what happened to him.

Page: Let's get right to the ring for our first match. It is a return match from July Mayhem. Illinifan regained the Television Title by beating Sabotai. Tonight they go at it again in an Iron Man Match. 30 minutes and the one with the most falls win.

Illinifan vs Sabotai.

Match Background: This will be an iron man bout. This match is for the FOFC Television title. Illinifan has been FOFC Television champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: FIRST FALL: Standing leg lariat by Illinifan on Sabotai. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Illinifan drops an elbow...but Sabotai moves out of the way. Sabotai uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying cross body off the top rope! Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabotai misses a clothesline. BRAINBUSTAH~! by Illinifan! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Illinifan gets taken down out of nowhere! Sabotai reverses an irish whip...and Illinifan runs into the referee! Vicious kick to the teeth from Sabotai. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out! Illinifan walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Sabotai pins Illinifan. Sabotai is up 1-0 with 20 minutes to go. SECOND FALL: Sabotai strikes Illinifan. Super kick by Sabotai. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan is able to duck a clothesline attempt and connect with a counter clothesline. Sabotai just WALKS into a stiff lariat clothesline from Illinifan. Spin kick by Illinifan to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Reverse DDT on Sabotai. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying cross body off the top rope! Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. SUPER frankensteiner on Illinifan, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Sabotai crushes Illinifan with a huge legdrop. Illinifan kicks Sabotai in the gut to reverse the momentum. Springboard dropkick from Illinifan. Nicely done. ONE...TWO...THREE. Illinifan defeats Sabotai. Tied at 1 with 12 minutes to go. THIRD FALL: Illinifan just WAFFLES Sabotai with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Illinifan hits a rolling kick on Sabotai. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Illinifan takes a flying neckbreaker from Sabotai. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabotai crushes Illinifan with a huge legdrop. Covers for a quick two count. Illinifan fights out of a grapple. Flying reverse elbow by Illinifan. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Illinifan charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Illinifan misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee accidentally! Illinifan walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Springboard dropkick from Sabotai. Nicely done. Illinifan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Illinifan drives Sabotai into the corner. Fall From Grace!!! 1....2....3!! Illinifan leads 2-1 with 2 minutes to go. Sabotai uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabotai misses a clothesline. Sabotai reverses an irish whip and Illinifan is thrown into the corner. Sabotai rushes in with a clothesline and Illinifan goes down. As Illinifan gets up Sabotai hits the Super kick. He goes for the pin. The referee gets into position to count. 1....The bell sounds and the referee gets up and looks around. He goes over to the timekeeper. The time limit has expired. Illinifan retains.

Winner: Illinifan retains the Television Title.

Overall Rating: 65%
Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: 75%

Page:What a great match. Sabotai just ran out of time.

Heenan: That's Sabotai's last shot at Illinifan's TV Title.

Page: That's too bad as those two can really go. We understand that our cameras have caught something backstage.

The camera cuts to the back where Erik Flamebeard goes into The Afoci's locker room where he is getting ready for his tag team match later. The Afoci sees Flamebeard and stands up.

The Afoci: "What do you want?"

Flamebeard: "Can I have a word with you?"

The Afoci: "I'm kinda busy. I have a match in a little while, Flamebeard."

Flamebeard: "Call me Erik."

The Afoci: "I prefer Flamebeard."

Flamebeard: "Have it your way. I was talking to some of my Followers and they agree that you have some untapped potential. I am offering you a spot in our group."

The Afoci: "No thanks."

Flamebeard: "I urge you to reconsider."

The Afoci: "Are you deaf? I said no! When I win a title I want it to be by my own merits. Not by someone helping me."

Flamebeard: "That's too bad. Because you won't ever win a title if you are in a hospital. Guys!"

The rest of the Followers come in from the hall and ambush the Afoci and leave him in a pool of his own blood.

Rating: 67%

Page: If this is what we are in for, some of the guys are in trouble.

Heenan: The Afoci is stupid for not joining. It is a great honor to be in the Followers. Now he will be lucky to drag himself to the ring for his match later.

Page: The Afoci is a fighter. I'm sure he will find a way to make it. Up next is a Hardcore Title match. Smokin' Warlord won the Hardcore Title at July Mayhem by defeating Darkiller. But there is no rest for him as he faces one half of Technically Superior, Larrymcg.

Larrymcg vs Smokin' Warlord.

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. Legal Narcotics and Technically Superior have been feuding recently. This match is for the FOFC Hardcore title. Smokin' Warlord has been FOFC Hardcore champion since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Larry takes a thrown chair to the face! Larry takes a flying neckbreaker from Smokin' Warlord. SUPER frankensteiner on Larry, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Vicious kick to the teeth from Smokin' Warlord. Smokin' Warlord stuns Larrymcg. Here it comes - Whisper In The Wind, forget about it. 1....2...3! Smokin' Warlord is still in the ring celebrating a squash when Larrymcg gets up off the mat and pushes the referee away. Larrymcg spins Smokin' around. Larrymcg hits the Kryptonite Krunch! Smokin' is down on the canvas.

Winner: Smokin' Warlord is still the Hardcore Champion.

Overall Rating: 61%
Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: 68%

Page: Total squash by Smokin'.

Heenan: But he is laying on the mat. Great Hardcore Champion.

Page: Cheap shot by Larrymcg. Let's go backstage as our cameras are with NevStar and The Afoci before their match with Triple K.

The camera goes backstage to NevStar and The Afoci where The Afoci is getting up slowly.

NevStar: You don't have to do this. I will find a replacement.

The Afoci: No way. We are a team. It's time to get back on the winning track and get in line for another title shot.

NevStar: But there is no way you are 100%. You know, if they would have asked me to join, I'm not sure what I would have said.

The Afoci looks at NevStar incredulously.

The Afoci: What! You see how they operate!

NevStar: Just kidding buddy. (NevStar slaps The Afoci on the back, which causes him to wince.)

The Afoci: Let's just go beat the heck out of Triple K. I will take it out on them.

NevStar heads to the ring followed by a confused Afoci.

Triple K vs NevStar and The Afoci.

Match Background: NevStar \ Afoci and Double K have been feuding recently. Double K hold the edge, as they have yet to be beaten in the ring by NevStar \ Afoci during the feud.

Kingfc and Kodos are in the ring with Katon sitting this one out. NevStar and then the Afoci come out to the delight of the crowd.

The Match: Spin kick by NevStar to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. VICIOUS lightning kick by NevStar on Kodos. Hooks the leg for a two count. NevStar looks over to The Afoci and decides not to tag. NevStar whips Kodos into the ropes and hits a clothesline. Kodos takes a flying neckbreaker from NevStar. Covers for a quick two count. NevStar kicks the leg, knocks Kodos down, and goes to work on it. Kodos fights out of a grapple. Tor-NADO DDT from Kodos, NevStar got planted! Tag to Kingfc. NevStar takes a hard, stinging chop from Kingfc. One word: Ow. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and NevStar hits hard. Kingfc misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. NevStar crawls to his corner and The Afoci is reaching for the tag. NevStar again decides not to tag. The Afoci is screaming at NevStar to tag him in. VICIOUS lightning kick by NevStar on Kingfc. DDT from the top rope by NevStar. That looked KILLER! Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. NevStar connects with a back heel kick on Kingfc and gets back up quickly. Kingfc reverses a NevStar hammerlock. Vicious back suplex! NevStar got nailed big time! The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. NevStar floors Kingfc, then signals to The Afoci in the corner. He tags in The Afoci who comes in all fired up and signals for the Styles Clash. Meanwhile, Kingfc has something in his hands. Afoci comes over...and gets nailed with a set of brass knuckles! The referee wakes up to see the pinfall: 1....2....3! It's over. Kingfc \ Kodos signal to each other...and they attack Afoci \ NevStar! After an swift brawl, Afoci and NevStar are left down in the ring.

Winners: Triple K.

Overall Rating: 75%
Crowd Reaction: 64%
Match Quality: 86%

Still in the ring NevStar and The Afoci get up off the mat. The Afoci goes over to NevStar.

The Afoci: What was up with that?

NevStar: What are you talking about?

The Afoci: Why did you wait so long to tag me in?

NevStar: It was clear you weren't 100%. Look at what happened. I should have finished the match.

The Afoci: We are a team.

NevStar: Maybe you should just take a week off to recuperate.

The Afoci: I'm fine. In fact on Friday, let's beat the pulp out of those guys. If they hadn't cheated, we would have won.

NevStar: Ok, I made a mistake. If you want to go with them again, then let's do it.

NevStar and The Afoci shake hands and head to the back.

Page: Looks like they patched things up.

Heenan: NevStar was right. The Afoci didn't belong in the ring tonight. He probably has a concussion.

Page: He is not a quitter Heenan. Let's go to the back where our cameras have caught Marmel with Co-Commissioner Gold.

Marmel: I don't care how you do it. I want both of them in the ring tonight.

Gold: Look what happened to The Afoci after he was beaten down. Are you sure you are ok to wrestle in a handicap match?

Marmel: I am fine. And who said anything about a handicap match? I will have a partner.

Gold: Fine. Tonight you and your partner will take on Sachmo and Tucker.

Marmel: Thanks.

Marmel walks away smiling. He takes out his cell phone and dials a number.

Marmel: Hey, are you ready to do this tonight?

There is a pause and we can't hear the other end of the conversation.

Marmel: I know this is sooner than expected. But I need you here tonight.

Another pause.

Marmel: Great. I'll see you in a few minutes. Sachmo and Tucker are in for a surprise.

Rating: 50%

Page: Looks like we have a mystery partner for Marmel versus Sachmo and Tucker.

Heenan: Doesn't matter. Sachmo and Tucker will destroy them.

Page: Up next is a Tag Team match for the Titles.

The Badasses vs Primelord and Shorty.

Match Background: The Badasses and Primelord \ Shorty have been feuding recently. This match is for the FOFC Tag Team titles. Primelord \ Shorty have been FOFC Tag Team champions since 29 July 2006.

The Match: Lightning kick by Primelord on Jeeber. Tag between JeeberD and Bertogarce. Bertogarce takes a flying neckbreaker from Primelord. Tag to Shorty. Shorty crushes Bertogarce with a running senton. Tag between Bertogarce and JeeberD. SUPER frankensteiner on Jeeber, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Vicious kick to the teeth from Shorty. referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Shorty slides out and grabs a chair, then gets back in the ring. Chair shot missed! JeeberD ducked it, and now grabs the chair. Shorty takes the shot instead! Wait - the referee is back up, and is calling for the bell. He's disqualifying JeeberD for using a chair! Shorty ends up with a cheap victory. The Badasses don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Shorty \ Primelord, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

Winners: Primelord/Shorty by DQ and are still the Tag Team Champions.

Overall Rating: 72%
Crowd Reaction: 59%
Match Quality: 85%

Heenan: What was up with JeeberD using a chair?

Page: Shorty brought it in the ring.

Heenan: Serves him right as he got his team disqualified.

Page: I'm sure those two teams will meet again.

The music of SkyDog plays and we are ready for another edition of The Truth.

Welcome everyone to another edition of The Truth. Tonight my guest is the FOFC Lightweight Champion, Coffee Warlord.

The music of Coffee Warlord plays and he comes down to the ring to the delight of the crowd. He shakes hands as he goes around the ring and finally enters.

SkyDog: Welcome Coffee.

Coffee: Thank you for having me.

SkyDog: No problem. You asked me to be on this show because you had something to say to the fans.

Coffee: Yes. First of all I wanted to apologize to the fans for my unprofessional behavior during my match at July Mayhem. As the Champion I should show more respect for my opponents regardless of who they are. I am the Franchise Player of FOFC Wrestling and I should start acting like it. I can beat anyone without resorting to such tactics. That's not to say I won't show aggression, but I went just a little overboard. Second, I would like to apologize to WVU FAN for my actions. I may not like him but I again should have showed some restraint.

The music of WVU FAN plays interrupting Coffee and the crowd boos. He comes in the ring and grabs the mic.

WVU FAN: You're sorry? You're sorry? No, you're pathetic. Just to let you know, I wouldn't be apologizing for beating the tar out of you. And that will happen later tonight as we have a return match for the title.

Coffee: Why wait until later. Let's do it right now.

Coffee attacks WVU FAN and they go at it fast and furious until a host of referees come down to break it up.

Rating: 57%

Page: A return match for the Lightweight Title right here tonight.

Heenan: Coffee is a wuss. He apologized.

Page: He is a man who admits to a mistake. Something you have never done. Up next is a tag team match that Marmel requested.

Sachmo and Tucker come out to their music and the crowd gives them a lot of heat. Then the music of Marmel plays and out he comes and the crowd cheers. He stops just short of the ring and grabs a mic.

Marmel: Sachmo and Tucker, as much as I want to jump in and beat your asses right now, I have a surprise for you. Here is my partner.

Out comes a guy through the apron and he joins Marmel at ringside.

Marmel: Don't recognize him. Well maybe this will jog your memory. Put up the picture on the screen.

A picture of a skinny-pimpled faced kid appears on the jumbotron. Suddenly the jaws of Sachmo and Tucker drop with recognition.

Marmel: Now you know who he is? Good. But let me fill the fans in on the details. This is PilotMan. Sachmo, Tucker and I all went to high school with him. We weren't too nice to him. If fact we were bullies. I felt bad after but I wanted to be in with the crowd. But now he is all grown up and him and I have patched things up. I have admitted to my wrongdoings to him and he has accepted my apology. Now he wants revenge. So, you two are in for a beating.

With that Marmel and PilotMan charge in the ring.

Marmel and PilotMan vs Sachmo and Tucker.

Match Background: PilotMan is making his debut at this show. Marmel and Tucker have been feuding recently. So far, Marmel hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Tucker since the feud started.

The Match: Sachmo hits a rolling kick on PilotMan. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Flying cross body off the top rope! There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Tucker. Tucker scoops up PilotMan. Sachmo bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Tucker hits a dropkick on PilotMan and gets right back up. There's a two count on the pin. Standing leg lariat by Tucker on PilotMan. PilotMan reverses a Tucker hammerlock. Power drive elbow by PilotMan. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Tag between PilotMan and Marmel. Flying elbow from Marmel connects. Super kick by Marmel. Tucker flips out of a Marmel bodyslam attempt. Tucker tags out to Sachmo. Super kick by Sachmo. Marmel walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pin, but Marmel is out just before the three count. Marmel walks into a high dropkick from Sachmo, almost losing several teeth in the process. Marmel powers out of a Sachmo headlock. Sachmo takes a NICE hurrancarana from Marmel. Marmel floors Sachmo...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, 460 Degree Splash! 1....2....3. Atatange just came out of nowhere with a chair! Marmel turns...and gets planted with a big shot to the head! PilotMan runs over...but also gets dropped with a vicious chair shot! Atatange has put Marmel \ PilotMan down by himself! Atatange, Sachmo and Tucker stand over Marmel and PilotMan.

Winners: Marmel and PilotMan

Overall Rating: 60%
Crowd Reaction: 48%
Match Quality: 73%

Page: Well, Marmel found a partner but still fell to the numbers game after the match. Up next is our main event for the Lightweight Title.

Coffee Warlord vs. WVU FAN for the FOFC Lightweight Title.

WVU FAN comes out first to his music and the crowd is giving him lots of heat. Next is Coffee Warlord as his music plays. As he gets into the ring, all five members of Flamebeard's Followers enter the ring and attack both Coffee Warlord and WVU FAN. Both Coffee and WVU FAN fight them off for a couple minutes, but the numbers soon get to them and they are both left laying out cold. Flamebeard grabs a mic.

Flamebeard: This is what's in store for the rest of you in the back who don't join us. We are running the show...

Suddenly the lights go out in the entire arena. After about a minute the lights come back on with the Followers still in the ring and Coffee and WVU FAN are gone. In the middle of the ring is a baseball bat. The Followers look down and see it and their jaws drop. Flamebeard instructs his Followers to leave quickly and they exit to the back.

Rating: 60%

Page: Was that what I think it was?

Heenan: I think so. But it couldn't be, could it?

Page: Unless it was Smokin' Warlord playing mind games. I certainly didn't here about any new signings. Maybe we'll have some answers on Friday as Friday Night Fury returns.

Overall Rating for the show was 61%.
The show got a .43 TV rating.
619 people attended.
$18,570 was made on ticket sales.

FOFC Lightweight Champion: Coffee Warlord.
FOFC Heavyweight Champion: Raven
FOFC Hardcore Champion: Smokin' Warlord
FOFC Television Champion: Illinifan
FOFC Tag Team Champions: Primelord/Shorty

Note to all my readers. The game is very limited in terms of angles. Basically I write 90% of it myself. That's why the shows take so long to run. I only have so much free time with a 3 year old at home and still working full time as is my wife.

I'd like everyone's opinion on what works and doesn't. Is it keeping you guessing? Or is it predictable? Anything that could be done to make it better without a lot more work? Just trying to make it as fun as possible. Thanks to all who read and respond.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 04-03-2007 at 12:07 PM.
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