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Old 04-08-2007, 06:55 PM   #9
Head Coach
Join Date: Sep 2004
I hate Wednesdays.

There isn't that afterglow of the weekend still on you and it's still a long ways to the next weekend.

But this Wednesday I didn't mind, because there she was in a white skirt and shirt, appropriately autumnal orange sweater draped over her shoulders. To be honest, it was more of a pale sherbet orange and it got me to thinking about another kind of cream I wanted to eat.

My private and tasty daydreams were interrupted by the arrival of a nondescript, chunky woman with short grey hair, the kind that would've been a libriarian if she hadn't become a secretary. In her hand was a goldenrod sheet and I smiled, because I knew what was coming.

"I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to post this earlier, but Professor Morengay is absent today with the flu, so you will be not having class this morning."

Chatter began amongst the students that knew each other as everyone began packing up their stuff. The girl was swift about it and heading for the door right after the bearded guy who sat in the front row in the middle.

I quickly gathered my backpack in hand and darted after her.

"Hey, wait up!"

She stopped and turned.

I gave her my famous girlslaying smile.

Her face didn't change from its icy demeanor.

"My name's Nick."

"I'm Melody." Still frosty, but with a little more warmth.

I smiled more mutedly then and nodded, "Cool to meet you. Listen, I just wanted to let you know that if you're not doing anything this weekend, I and my fraternity brothers have a party going on at our house. We're the big blue and orange house, third one in Fraternity Row if you're coming at it from campus side."

"...Maybe. I'll think about it." Did nothing melt her? I've known some frigid girls in my lifetime and broken through more than a few, but she was sheer ice.

And it was beautiful. Like she had this whole world inside of her that was better than anything else in real life and you had to prove yourself worthy of being let in. There was a mysteriousness about her that I couldn't solve, a puzzle of who she really was that fascinated me, who could read just any woman after an hour's conversation.

"Okay, cool. See you Friday in any case."

I waved and nonchalantly walked off. When I glanced back, she was already gone, lost in the crowd of students bursting in a stream of people from the doors of our History room.

I'd never had a Friday so charged with anticipation, not even in high school during a certain Homecoming...

But that's a dusty story, belonging to an amateur past.

This was now, all childishness gone.

This was a real dream, the kind that can change your whole life.
2006 Golden Scribe Nominee
2006 Golden Scribe Winner
Best Non-Sport Dynasty: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)

Rookie Writer of the Year
Dynasty of the Year: May Our Reign Be Green and Golden (CK Dynasty)
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