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Old 04-11-2007, 02:50 PM   #167
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Originally Posted by lordscarlet View Post
But what he was doing is, or can be construed as, the same as taking vitamins. He was taking a substance that supplemented his diet and and improved his body composition. This substance was not banned by the league.

I am merely playing devil's advocate and pointing out that this whole "rule breaker" vs. "cheater" argument is stupid. It is bad to do either.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I do disagree on the difference between cheater and rule breaker, though. While rule breakers run the gamut (from minor to major), cheating to me carries a connotation of being a more severe form of violation. It is an active attempt tp circumvent fair play. Rule breaking can be major, too, but the context I have used it in this thread is from the perspective that every single rule has to be followed (which is often near impossible) for you to not be a rule breaker. It's a question of grades. Speeding is a rule msot of us likely break every day. No one is going to call anyone a criminal based on speeding every day. Criminal is a form of word reserved for major crime generally, even though it can apply to every rule breaker. We have stronger words/terms for major rule breakers, so choosing to use the term "rule breaker", while in and of itself can refer to all rule breakers, is by its nature suggestive of a minor rule breaker.

And to me, cheater is on the level of "criminal", "major rule breaker", and so forth. So I don't equate the two--"cheater" and "rule breaker" on the same level as you do.
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