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Old 05-15-2007, 06:01 AM   #80
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: ...down the gravity well
I think it was a great way to kill off Chris. It's far more interesting that Tony did it, recall how Tony dug his heels in for killing Big Pussy and Tony B., but Chris's death was complete impulse (recall a few weeks ago when Tony mulls over whacking Paulie, I felt the same way with this car drive).

I don't think a gang war with NYC is in Tony's favor, his group will be snuffed out rather quick (odd that one of Chris's last statements was advice to Tony to pay Phil off, he wasn't so complacent when Johnny Sack was in charge).

I think that the Vito storyline did suck, but I think because HBO wanted another season, Chase had to extend out a story arc that would have a story but wouldn't give anything away for the final season, plus it did allow for some foreshadowing (I recall how manipulative Vito was when Tony was in a coma, he was really pushing to be the replacement).

So I don't think that was Chase's fault.

I think snuffing Chris out at the beginning was brilliant, and much like "Psycho" a shock that before you can get over it, the show's over. Chrissy would have lived if Tony had made the phone call (they state that), Tony did it because Chris would never be what he wanted him to be (like Comfortably Numb ..."the child is gone, the dream is gone...")

No longer was Chris the "son" to replace Tony, Chris was a screwup who once shot at Tony, his gf almost turned him to the FBI (Tony had to take care of that), and after understanding "Cleaver", Tony knew the resentment that boiled under in Chris for Ade's death (and implied affair with Tony - which would have happened if there hadn't been an SUV crash - coincidence, I think not).

I like the unpredictableness of the show, you never know what's coming, and the best part, is that there have been incredible payoffs this season rather than the whimper of last season (started off with a bang)...I'm hoping that Chase can keep it up.
"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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