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Old 05-29-2007, 07:22 PM   #878
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Originally Posted by molson View Post
It might have hurt business, but I think it's been great for the fans. When you're not into one of the "main" angles, whether that be D/X, Cena, or Vince v. Lashley, you had another brand where that wasn't going on. For me, I'm thankful I didn't have to see D/X dominate two shows a week during their run.

Also, there's a ton of young guys that wouldn't have seen the opportunties they did without the split - Kennedy, Punk, MVP, London/Kendrick. Also, guys like Benoit and Mysterio would never have gotten chances in the main event.

Take the split away, and we'll just have redundant main event angles going on and on, and getting twice as much tv time. And 12+ of the undercard guys would be cut loose (or burried).

angles would be able to either be twice as deep and well thought out without burning us out on a storyline that takes 6 months to work, evolve twice as fast or end twice as fast if necessary. Its quite obvious to me that the heat on today's shows, the buildup, and execution of storylines leaves much to be desired in the form of emotional attachment, character arching, and timing.

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