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Old 09-21-2007, 11:05 AM   #240
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Originally Posted by SnDvls View Post
you have Barkeep listed twice...that leave DT as the Gossip, from my reading of his hint, and only one more "guest". Not RenderR as he says his role isn't listed.

everyone else would fit into either the Downstairs or Upstairs very nicely.
Why would anyone who has already claimed a guest role not be disputed at this point if they aren't who they say they it because the other people can't claim a role they don't know if it's assigned or not?

My bad about Barkeep being listed twice, I removed him from my list where I had him in the correct place. I agree about DT.. thats the clues I picked up too.. now its out he probably should confirm one way or another.. I purposely was not mentioning it from when I went back and looked and was continuing throwing his name out there as bait to see who would latch on. I still have my evidence I could use to swing the vote a bit in the favor of saving DT if needed.. but now that this is out there, I don't think I can do that anymore. ah well So yeah, DT probably should come out and confirm it one way or another, just so we can have it in stone.. and sorry for using you as bait this morning. Once I figured out the hint I didn't want to give it away
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