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Old 09-26-2007, 11:18 PM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Parañaque, Philippines
Werewolf LVI: Beneath the Iron Cross - GAME OVER, VILLAGERS WIN!

Since Barkeep won't be pushing through with his game... I will be with mine. This is more traditional Werewolf, so new players are also welcome.

I haven't GM'd a Werewolf game since 2005. So, there ya go... that's how damn long it's been. I practically didn't play for a year. Heh.

The rules are here:

I will probably change the deadlines to be able to accomodate busy people. How do you feel about a 24/24 day/night cycle for the first few days?


In the 1960's, a top secret military program was started in preparation for the threat of full-scale nuclear war. A huge underground cavern was dug underneath the badlands of Death Valley, California. It was here that the United States military established its nuclear-scenario operations base, codenamed: Iron Cross. It was designed to withstand a nuclear assault on the continental United States of America, stocked with enough provisions to last over 100 years of isolation.

But the war didn't come. The base, however, would remain as a vital part of the US Military. From the 70's, through the latter part of the century, the underground facility was used as an advanced medical research center. Different military projects were developed and tested in the isolated compound, primarily focusing on extraordinary abilities... the creation of super soldiers. Psychokinetics, genome alteration, and drug development were the primary points of research, and breakthroughs were achieved.

Nobody knew when and where the first bomb fell. But it would spark the third world war. The scientists and soldiers who were inside the safety of the Iron Cross could only watch in horror as man set out on a path of self-extinction. Sattelites brought feeds of atomic bombs going off all around the world. Superpower against superpower, in a show of power and destruction. In the end, the world left behind by the war was a barren one.

One hundred years have passed since the doors and hatches of the Iron Cross were sealed. They are about to open once again...

...but these are not your memories. These are the memories of real men that have been passed on to you. These memories implanted into your brains, along with your education, your habits, your skills, and your abilities. You are genetically bred humans, and you have risen from your stasis chambers, ready to leave the confines of the Iron Cross. This is how civilization begins anew.

Sign-ups (I am aiming for about 12 players, more would be better.)
1. path12 - Fool, Killed Night 4
2. hoopsguy - Alpha Wolf, Lynched Day 3
3. saldana - Wolfling, Lynched Day 7
4. PurdueBrad - Seer, Killed Night 1
5. ArlingtonColt - Magistrate
6. st.cronin - Villager, Lynched Day 1
7. RendeR - Villager, Lynched Day 4
8. jeheinz72 - Villager
9. oliegirl - Inquisitive, Killed Night 5
10. DaddyTorgo - Herbalist, Killed Night 3
11. Antmeister - Villager, Killed Night 6
12. Chief Rum - Villager, Lynched Day 6
13. EagleFan - Brutal Wolf, Lynched by Duke Day 2
14. RealDeal - Wolfshade, Lynched Day 5
15. ntndeacon - Witness
16. Barkeep49 - Holy Mark
17. Passacaglia - Unholy Mark, Killed by Brutal Wolf Day 2

Day 1 will be on Monday, 10:01 AM CST (or earlier, depends if my meeting pushes through. If it does, I will post this as early as possible) . Any votes cast BEFORE this time will not count.
Deadline will be at Monday, 9:00 PM CST. Votes will be tallied, and Night 1 will begin... lasting until Tuesday, 10:00 AM CST.
Come and see.

Last edited by Neon_Chaos : 10-09-2007 at 09:37 PM.
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