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Old 10-01-2007, 09:04 AM   #104
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: here
Villager checking in.

And sorry, I don't always read all the crap that everyone says before the game begins

If anyone remembers me from when I played back a while ago, my schtick is that villagers screw themselves by not disclosing info for too long into the game. This opinion has gotten me killed by wolves (who don't want to see villagers putting info on the table early) and by other villagers (see that awful warhammer 40K game).

Earlier disclosure avoids a bunch of turns of informationless fratricide by villagers, and it mitigates the risk of villagers accidentally killing an important role early (see the string em up game) where the duke got lynched 1st turn and duked the seer. Also it avoids us losing people before they ever got to use their role (how many games did the seer wait too long and get killed before telling anyone what they saw?)

So anyway, please think about this as you play. To be clear, I'm not saying the seer or anyone should tell the world who he is the first turn, but if you are a role which can defend themselves, or has limited utility but can be verified, try to err on the side of getting us the info earlier rather than later.
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