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Old 10-10-2007, 10:29 AM   #1221
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: here
My comments:

Day 1:

As Hoops pointed out, many of you made a big mistake by checking in as a villager before you possibly could have known you had no role. As such, we generally knew which villagers had roles from the start.

IMO, Purdue played his situation poorly the first day. If you are an important role, and you get on the hotseat Day 1, you have to either reveal clearly (so the wolves have to worry about the BG) or suck it up until the end. Giving strong hints risks exactly what happened in this game: wolves figure it out and the BG doesn't.

Day 2:

We knew that Hoops had a good shot of getting discovered, but a seer kill was worth it.

IMO, AC's play was only good because it worked. You have a wolf in the bag, why duke it? Save it for when you think a villager is on the chopping block. If you miss, you hurt your team a ton, and you risk getting lynched, even though you are a revealed good guy (it's happened before in WW). Again, it was great since he got it right, but seemed to me like hitting on 19 in blackjack, just because you got a 2 doesn't mean it was the best play.

Some of the wolves were convinced that DT and Pass were the twins. This resulted in a series of disastrous results. DT, the heroic bodyguard (we didn't know at the time), was bravely defending himself, and Pass of course was our unholy mark. So we got no night kill, and the Brutal Wolf kill ended up being a fratricide.

Day 3:

I wanted to play as close to the way I would play as a villager that I could. So I figured if I was a villager I would have found Hoops really annoying, and I went with that. As it turned out, Hoops helped the wolves by giving us room to work, hampering any meaningful villager discussion, and convincing the villagers to kill Render next turn (more on that later).

We go back to DT for the night kill, since we know it's a sure thing. I was pretty amused when we learned he was the BG, and he had been protecting himself the night before.

Day 4:

In my opinion, this was the day that killed us, and Olie was the villager MVP. Her reveal right before the Night 3 wolf kill made it nearly impossible for us to win. AC and NT were already confirmed villagers, and she added herself and BK. BK's reveal was devastating for us because he couldn't be wolfkilled. At that point we pretty much knew we were doomed.

The Render kill was hilarious. Again, trying to play as straight as I could, I was very critical of the kill, because if I had been a villager, I would have thought it ridiculous. I mean, nobody knows who the wolves are, so if you have to guess, just guess. But to kill the guy based on what Hoops said was absurd. And the secondary arguments for killing him: "we suspect him, so might as well kill him so he's not a distraction" and "gives the seer a chance to scan", those argument could have applied to anyone. Got to be one of the worst reasons to lynch someone (non Day 1) that I have seen.

The lynch was so inexplicable to me that I had to go to the rules to make sure that BK couldn't possibly be the cultist or Unholy Mark. I just couldn't believe he was leading a lynching like that that based on the word of the Alpha Wolf. The only explanation had to be he was on our side, right?

I suggested to Saldana that if Ant got lynched, that we should kill Render during the night. I suspected that Render was the other fool/seer and, if he were, we could have gotten the villagers spending the next could of turns lynching the folks who voted for Render. Saldana, however, had read that Path was the other fool/seer, which I hadn't caught, so we killed him instead.

Day 5:

I get lynched. The funny thing was that a couple of people based their votes on Path's vote for me the day before. However, Path ended up being the fool, and, even if he was the seer, I was the wolfshade, and couldn't be scanned as a wolf. That was the one reason I was a little sad to see all the possible seers killed; I wanted to be scanned.

Saldana realized I was a goner and piled on. I warned him not to go too hard on the "Path scanned him" angle, because eventually folks would realize that he couldn't have scanned me. By this point, the game was beyond hopeless for us.

My only comment on the rules is that the witness role needs to be nerfed. Let the witness have the ability every night to pick a person, and then if that person is killed, the witness gets the name of the wolf that killed him/her. As it is designed now, it is just a "Free Wolf Reveal" card, and that's lame.
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