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Old 10-23-2007, 11:41 AM   #131
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Parañaque, Philippines
DT, I was contemplating it, and from what I gather, Barkeep was also thinking about it as well.

After further discussion, and clarification from AlanT, it seems that there are certain factors that would make a mass-reveal unhelpful to the village, as opposed to how succesful that strategy has been the past couple of games.

BK even suggested a humans-only reveal, to which I said would be more disasterous. That would cut the field down as to which players could be Olympians, and help the Titans.

I didn't push hard for a reveal, you're the one trying to say that. If you didn't see the advantages of a Day 1 reveal before AlanT explained all the disadvantages that he put into place, then you didn't understand what I was talking about. Or are you playing dumb?

As it is, I am only putting one point into my vote. I have a certain ability that I can use at night that would require me to use 4 points, and I intend on using that ability tonight.

For now, though, for feigning ignorance...

Vote DaddyTorgo
Come and see.
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