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Old 11-01-2007, 07:05 AM   #2531
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
One other question I had for folks.. I go back and forth in my mind on this issue all the time in a game, and actually flipflopped in this game right at the start from what my rules originally had. When you have an action that effectively removes someone from the game for a day (such as the Petrification or the minotaur in this game), how do you all receive the lack of ability to post even in the thread during that day?

I have had previous games where someone wouldn't be able to vote or use an action but could still post, and then games like this where I didn't even allow them to post.. I am torn with what is the better received mechanic for this type of action. I hate having someone not be able to participate in the game, and not being able to post sometimes feels cruel or removing part of someone's enjoyment. On the other hand, if I allow them to post and just block actions/votes it dillutes the possible usage of the mechanic and makes the storyline less interesting in my mind.

I still don't know how I feel about this and am curious to other people's thoughts.
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