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Old 12-04-2007, 08:10 AM   #142
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Ok based on the information we have, this appears to be the 4 conferences:

conf #1: Alan T, Molson, Chesapeake, Lathum
conf #2 St.Cronin, Claphamsa, Mr.Wednesday, Ntndeacon
conf #3 Barkeep, Swaggs, Chief Rum, Racer
conf #4 Render, Sndvls, Jeheinz72, Anxiety

There should be 1 scout in each conference (just one of the 4 is a wolf scout), so I suggest to try to get the most bang for our buck, the scouts talk to your conference and be willing to sacrifice your own BCS goals for your conference. Don't tell the rest of the game who are the scouts, only tell your conference that way no one else knows who is giving up games to do the scouting.

I then think conf #1 scout should scout someone in conf 2, Conf #2 scout should scout someone in conf #1. Scout in conf #3 should scout someone in conf #4 and Conf #4 scout shuld scan conf #3 to try to figure out who the detractors are.. I think the scouts should report back to their conference what the results end up being with someone in the conf announcing it to the rest of the teams. That leaves each conference with a bodyguard and a duke to protect the scout as needed if the need arises.

Any problems with that plan?
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