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Old 02-26-2008, 04:16 PM   #220
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
It's even worse. I knew how Great American Band did song choices and wondered, since they're from the same production company, whether that translated to AI. And it does - each contestant chooses 3 songs they want to perform, and the show chooses one for them. And guess what happened to Garrett?

"We are allowed to choose three songs from a list," he tells reporters. "Every contestant is for sure to get one of the songs; I didn't get any of my songs, because they had given them out to all the contestants before that, so I just ended up with having to choose from the list again. I didn't get to chose. They threw the song at me and said, 'Sing this one.' I took what I got and I did what I could with it. It is hard to make a ballad song pop out at the beginning. I did the best I could and I am happy with what I did."

I suppose he'd risk being thrown off the show if he did this, but wouldn't it be awesome if, after getting lambasted for song choice, one of these contestants went off on the song selection process and bitched about being forced to choose a crappy song? I guarantee what happened to Jason Yeager is that he opened his big yapper about Moon River and his Grandma, and they forced him to sing that song because of the backstory.

Oh, and not that this has anything to do with the show or there's anything wrong with it, but pics have surfaced of David Hernandez as a dancer at a gay nightclub called Burn.

This is no way directed at you KSyrup - I hate finding this stuff out about Idol. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

Don't get me wrong. Keep posting them and I'll keep reading them, but I guess it's more that I hate that this is what it is really about. Just - meh.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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