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Old 05-06-2008, 01:38 PM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Can't figure out my son

Okay, I rarely share stuff like this here, but to this day I can not figure out what will be the future of my son. To elaborate on this a bit more, there has been questions in whether he has autism.

Because there are different levels of autism, we could not tell if our son had it . The problem is that my son does not communicate his needs with words. He could talk, but words are used to identify things more than anything else. The unusual thing is that he has an amazing memory and has been writing words, knows his alphabet, operates a computer (even logs in with a password), plays computer games and reads simple sentences

So last year, we took him to get evaluated for possible learning disorders through the school district at the age of 3 to see if he some common traits to those with similar problems. Unfortunately they were confused as we were since he was able to read, recognize colors, animals and shapes and was anal about lining things up with the exact amout of distance between then, yet he didn't care to speak with anyone on any of the visits (except for us). So they put his down as inconclusive and he has been going to school under this program called PPCD (Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities) since then.

He has now turned 4 years old and although I think he has made some progress, it won't be long before he goes to a standardized school. He is less anal about lining objects up and has gravitated to writing more. He greets you when you get home and seems to have to fascination with remembering processes whether it is operating a microwave, mimicking his father's dances to TV theme songs, turning off the lights when leaving the house, etc.

And once he learns that process, he wants to do it himself. So sometimes you will see him doing odd things like setting the timer on the microwave (just the timer) and counting down until it reaches zero and then yelling "Beep, Beep, Beep!". Or there are times when he goes on the computer and can spend hours typing out words and changing the font using a font manager.

On the other side of the coin, he is still not potty-trained and has yet to have a back and forth conversation.

Overall, I think he will be fine in the long run, but their are still too many lingering issues that still need to be resolved before kindergarten. And once you hit that level, teachers expect kids to be on the same page, which is where my concern comes from.
"I'm ready to bury the hatchet, but don't fuck with me" - Schmidty
"Box me once, shame on Skydog. Box me twice. Shame on me. Box me 3 times, just fucking ban my ass...." - stevew

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