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Old 05-07-2008, 12:26 PM   #25
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Originally Posted by Ryan W. View Post
My son was in a very similar situation. He was evaluated in 2006 when he was 2 because he barely spoke and could not put together any coherent words. When he was evaluated, some of the evaluators did say that he could be autistic, but they could not be sure. When it comes to anything electronic, he is a whiz (started running the DVD player before he turned 3, played computer games at 3, loves playing Wii now). After working with an EXCELLENT developmental preschool teacher at our local elementary school, his speech is much more coherent and he can piece together sentences. I would definitely look into the services that your state (or county) offer, as my son has been going every day to the local elementary school for the last 2 years. An IEP is essential, as it gives measurable goals for both your child and the educators to measure against.

My son still is developing slowly. Some of his fine-motor skills are still not developed to his age-level (~1 year behind), but he has made tremendous strides and the teachers seem confident that he will do well in kindergarden in 1.5 years. The one thing that he loves is structure and he "lectures" people when something is not done properly (yes, including waving his finger at people, including adults).

My best to you and your family.

Okay, I am an idiot. For some reason, these acronyms are jacking me up. Landon is currently following an IEP. One was made up for him after his evaluation and has been updated during the year. His PPCD class does just that. However in regards to speech, it has definitely improved since he started, but he hasn't gotten to full sentences. Hey and good job with your son.
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