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Old 05-16-2008, 09:12 AM   #1864
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Fresno, CA
I think the night killing of the pawns was something we would've "liked" to do, but always found better reasoning. From what I recall, here were our thoughts. It was like we were fighting on 2 fronts. On one hand, we had to keep the game as balanced as possible, but on the other, we couldn't let people deduce who the wolves were too easily and we had to leave ourselves "outs" for the end game, since no matter what, for us to win this was a game that was going to get down to a 4-5 person left scenario and 2 of them are Kings. We had to keep people around to try and pin it on, and they were PB and Narc.

BK, Night 1: Get a Seer outta the game

KWhit, Night 2: Trusted and pawns

Path12, Night 3: White Queen in an attempt to balance the game. I think this was the lynch where we probably should've lynched Collins instead. Just a case of thinking too much like regular chess and not enough like WW-Chess

Qwik, Night 4: Trusted black Seer. I'll maintain for infinity that this was the right call to make given our situation at the moment we made the call. Granted, like I said, we likely goofed the previous night, but at this moment, we had to off Qwik. We couldn't let him clear PB, since you have to remember

Collins - Impossible to make a case against given his vote for hoops Day 1 and no posts to latch on to
Cronin - Cleared
Narc - Wolf-protection bodyguard, using it almost always on himself
PB - Made some very wolfy posts, candidate for last lynch
RendeR - Potential fall guy since Jackal could "scan" him as a wolf. Needed one to distract the voting and get me farther along
Olie - Black team and harmless, power-wise
NTN/Neon - Kings
Sonic - Black team and harmless, power-wise.
Me and Jackal - The Wolves

Given that was who was alive, it was Qwik, Cronin, PB or RendeR. If we kill Cronin, Qwik just clears PB that night and we get no net gain. If we kill PB or RendeR, we whittle down who we can go after as the 3rd and 4th wolves.

I'd make that call on Qwik again, and it did what it was intended to do, which was get us farther in the game and give us a shot at the end, which we had and were all of 1 vote short.

Realistically, given the way Day One went down, we were in a big big hole. It went from 16:4 to 15:3, a 2nd wolf was getting a lot of heat still (Jackal) and people were posting how my vote looked terrible, which it did.

But I think this was the right call. Our larger mistakes were underestimating the pawns early and killing Path on night 3 instead of collins there.
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