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Old 05-17-2008, 02:15 AM   #1
High School Varsity
Join Date: Oct 2006
Horse Racing: A sport that encourages steroid use.

Maybe those tree huggers are right about animal cruelty in Horse racing. I know what steroids do to the human body, so why would a sport actually encourage it participants to take steroids?

Turns out the hole line about the animal's loving to run is total bullshit. They are running because they are all juiced up and going through ROID RAGE at the time.
Big Brown trainer admits giving horse steroids: report

11 hours ago
BALTIMORE, Maryland (AFP) — US Triple Crown hopeful Big Brown has received regularly monthly treatments of Winstrol, an anabolic steroid banned in 10 states but not any where Triple Crown horse races are contested.

On Friday, the eve of Kentucky Derby winner Big Brown's attempt to win the second leg of the treble here at the Preakness, the New York Daily News reported that trainer Rick Dutrow administers the steroid to all his horses.

"I give all my horses Winstrol on the 15th of every month," Dutrow told the newspaper. "If (authorities) say I can't use it anymore, I won't."

I just do not understand how a sport would allow this. Winstrol is a hardcore steroid, and not some over the counter or rub in type crap that athletes are getting banned for. For God's sake, one of the side effect of Winstrol is DEATH!

Injecting these horses with something that eventually will kill them is no better than what Michael Vick was doing with his dogs.
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