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Old 06-04-2008, 12:22 PM   #40
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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by SFL Cat View Post
I honestly thought Hillary would give McCain a tougher race than Obama.

I saw today that Obama's people were spinning that he was all about getting the delegates and not worried about underperforming in key battleground states...wonder how they'll spin it if McCain blows him out in those states during the general?

I don't think Hillary would have given a better race. There's way too many republicans who still have a hate on for the Clintons, especially the far right who really doesn't like McCain all that much either. They'd certainly have been motivated to vote against a Clinton but now, maybe not so motivated to vote for McCain.

I think the proof is in the pudding considering how many republicans worked hard to vote for Clinton trying to get her in the general election. You can say that this shows they support her but I'm not that naive; they preferred facing her.
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