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Old 06-10-2008, 09:46 AM   #409
College Starter
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Arlington, VA
Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan View Post
Sorry to run against the stream chaps ... but on the strength of the comments here I got the books.

I'm currently wading my way through them, the ideas are great but for me something is missing from the series - I think its the fact that he's weaving so many concurrent threads that its hard to get attached to the characters involved.

The first book wasn't as bad because it was focused heavily around the Stark family, but by book three there must be around 12 seperate threads weaving and while this is clever and interesting and all ... it just makes things confusing for me.

Even Tolkein who loved to be intricate kept things to a relatively small group of characters and ensured that they kept together in reasonably large groups instead of heading off seperately (and worse still then meeting someone who 'turns' into another main character who then seperates from them).

As such the books are 'readable' enough and I'll undoubtably read them all (mainly because I've got this far so I want to see how it ends) and I do think it'd make a cool strategy computer game


I think I've expressed a similar view somewhere in this thread. Too many characters with too many storylines. It becomes very hard to move the overall plot when you can only toss 3-4 chapters in an 800 page book to each of the main characters.

I think GRRM does know how it will end, in that he knows who will wear the crown(s) and what will happen to many of the characters. And I also agree with those that are saying that he is a little sick of his own work.
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