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Old 06-19-2008, 09:31 AM   #237
College Starter
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Arlington, VA
It is w-a-y too early to count anyone in or out based on current polls. That said, I'd rather be Obama than McCain at this immediate point in time.

Be aware, though, that the GOP's 527 organizations -- political advocacy organizations that essentially can accept unlimited donations from individuals without disclosure -- have not yet kicked in. John Kerry was brutalized by some of those (Swift Boat Veterans for Truth for one).

And based on some of the overtly racist ads that were sponsored by the TN Republican Party in the 06 Senate race (Corker v Ford), I suspect that you will see some incredibly offensive stuff out there before this election is done. That will be tough for Obama to get through

Certainly, the Dems have 527s and will aggressively go after McCain's record, participation in the Keating scandal, and I suspect that former staffers/Administration officials that he has thrown books at (literally) may bring up his crazy temper. But I think Obama will have a lot tougher time of it.
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