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Old 06-25-2008, 11:16 PM   #997
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
Just curious, what is the misinformation that you felt was pushed earlier and who pushed it in regards to this? There is a bit of information that I felt a few people have been pushing that I don't agree with that I have been watching, but I'm not following on this one. I thought everyone was pretty clear on how the wolf kill mechanic worked based on the clarification questions I asked Cronin in thread early on in the game...

Of course I guess if everyone is not clear on them, that might explain why LSG and BK gave me a hard time for my day 1 final vote... since it seemed obvious to myself what I was doing at least... Of course my natural tendency is to just suspect them for their reactions however.

I am talking about the wolf vote triggers for night killing being for the whole game, not just that night. Meaning you vote for a wolf just once, that wolf can kill you the rest of the game. Until that rule was spelled out in the posts I was responding to, my impression and my perception of everyone else's perception was that that night kill trigger was only good for the following night.

My supposition is that it's possible wolves jumped on this bit of misinformation and tried to push it into mainstream belief here, so that we would start only questioning voters from the previous day, instead of focusing on the game history of votes on that person.

I don't recall your questions specifically clarifying that, and if that impression wasn't out there, there would have been no need for the clarification posts put up just a page or two back. Not saying you were doing something--just trying to respond to your comment about your earlier questions on that.

I didn't get what you were doing either until I saw you were the Duke. Did you need to do that to trigger your action? Usually the Duke just PMs a player in private, rather than having to make an overt move like that, although you did hint at role differences from the standard Duke.

(And if those are best left quiet, well, then just tell me to shut up ).

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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