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Old 07-14-2008, 09:17 AM   #336
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
So overall I think this was a pretty good week. To recap, I was happy with my eating from Monday to Friday. I wasn't snacking and my meals were on the healthy side. On Saturday, I was pretty hungover and had a big day ahead, so I had a pumpernickel bagel in the morning (nothing on it, which helps) and then me and a bunch of friends were going to the Bon Jovi concert in Central Park, so we were running around a bit. I had a Lean Pocket (about 300 cals, 7 g fat) around 1, and then a slice of pizza at 3 (fresh mozzarella and tomato slices - really good and at least it's not a meat or breaded chicken). After the show and before going back out, I had a panini from a sandwich shop that had grilled chicken, salsa, some cheese, etc. For my bad day, I think I made some good choices that didn't hurt me too much. And considering how random all this eating was, I was okay with it. I ate well on Sunday so no slippage.

The issue this week wasn't eating; I went out and partied pretty hard each night on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday...and to be honest, Saturday was a 3pm to 3am session (with a few hours off in between during the show). I always try sticking to light beer and straight alcohol to cut down on calories and sugar and stuff, which I pretty much did. Still, putting in all those calories at 2am is never good. This weekend definitely won't be as crazy, and I'm fighting the urge to go to a bar on 82nd St tonight that has a big Home Run Derby party with a bunch of drinking games .

As for exercise...I did a lot of cardio Monday thru Wednesday. After I get home from the gym, I started doing some pushups, crunches, and squats to hopefully help a bit in the muscle development (I HATE lifting). Thursday I didn't make it to the gym as I worked late and then met some friends for dinner, but I made sure I went on Friday for a low-intensity 45 min cardio session even though I felt like complete crap the entire day and had no desire to move. No gym on Saturday as it was just a really busy day, and again I had a nice hangover, but at the very least, I was walking around a lot. Did exercise yesterday too.

So results? I also ended up buying a scale yesterday. I have no idea if it's a good one, but it was pretty much my only option at the hardware store by my apt. I read the instructions which said to set it down on the floor, step on it, and step off quickly while ignoring the display. It said that this was to set the scale because when it is picked up and moved around it loses its accuracy apparently (is this normal?). After the display goes away, that's when you step on for a reading. So I do that and the scale reads 212 lbs (down 3 lbs) but being that this is late in the day I figure I would weigh myself in the morning as that is when I plan on doing it each week for consistency.

So this morning I get on and it reads 211 lbs. Nice. I pick up the scale to put it back in my closet where I plan on keeping it during the week (I really don't have a good spot in either my room or my bathroom to keep it, so I figure I'll do the re-balance thing each time - I now realize that's a pain). Anyway, for some reason I decided I would test the re-balance thing again, and this time, after stepping off first, it reads 213.5 lbs. I think (and hope obviously) that this was inaccurate or I didn't re-balance right, as the original reading of 211 would be more consistent with the prior day's 212, taking the time of day into account. I left the scale in the same spot in my room, so I will re-weigh tomorrow just to be sure.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter much to me, as I can already feel a difference in my clothes so I know I'm progressing, but I want to make sure I'm weighing myself correctly.

Start: 221.5 lbs (5/27/08)
Last week: 215 lbs (7/6/08)
Current: 211 lbs (7/14/08 - and pending)
Goal: 190 lbs (12/6/08)

Last edited by Logan : 07-14-2008 at 09:18 AM.
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